Dandy Ace Update - Patch Notes

Dandy Ace

Dandy Ace is an over the top action game that follows this fabulous magician seeking to combine and use his magical cards, fighting and looting his way to defeat the Green-Eyed Illusionist and free himself from a cursed mirror.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/34727433/65b6aeb27493b91b005ffe54ac5664592d3c6d4e.png[/img] [u][h2][b]Mac Version[/b][/h2][/u] The Mac version of Dandy Ace is now available (including the latest updates)! [u][h2][b]Cards[/b][/h2][/u] [h3][b]Dash Update[/b][/h3] To address a lot of feedback from players about getting stuck on corners and feeling helpless while using dashes instead of blinks, we made a big change to them. Now dashes can pass through gaps, obstacles, and corners! Provided that the player has enough room for the dash and that the distance isn't too far as well, any level obstacle can be crossed while dashing, making Ace way more mobile when using a Dash Card. [h3][b]Stun Update[/b][/h3] Previously stuns would stop enemy actions for the duration of the stun, resuming them as soon as the CC effect was over. We felt like this created some weird moments for players that were expecting a different reaction (especially considering how the other CC in the game works). In this patch we changed how stuns work to make them more consistent with other CC types, now completely resetting all enemy actions when stunned. [i][b]Note:[/b][/i] Enemy skills will still be out of their cooldowns, so they will still attack Ace as soon as they are not stunned anymore. The difference is that they will start attacking from the beginning of the action instead of resuming from the middle of it. [h3][b]Card Simplification Update[/b][/h3] We simplified the visuals on a lot of skills in the game improving their clarity so players don't get overwhelmed with too much information happening at the same time and skills as well as enemies don't blend together in a big mess. Besides helping clarity, these changes also positively impact the performance of the game. [u][b]The cards affected by these changes are:[/b][/u] [b]Five of a Kind[/b] (Main and Upgrade) [b]Bubble Trouble[/b] (Main and Upgrade) [b]Titan Punch[/b] [b]Shooting Stars[/b] [b]Hack N Slash[/b] [b]Poison Roses[/b] [b]Trump Card[/b] [b]Cosmic Vortex[/b] (Main and Upgrade) [b]Escape Artist[/b] (Lele) [h3][b]Performer's Refuge Drop Rate [/b][/h3] From what we have heard from players that were finishing 100% of the game, in most cases the last card blueprint they needed in order to find all of the blueprints was the Performer's Refuge blueprint, which should not happen. Because of that we increased its drop rate, doubling the percentage of chance for it to be found by players. [u][h2][b]General Updates[/b][/h2][/u] [h3][b]Optimization[/b][/h3] We updated a lot of how the game works behind the scenes, improving greatly how the game runs in general. The main way players will feel these improvements is through the overall FPS of the game and the PC's memory usage while playing Dandy Ace. [h3][b]Camera 60FPS Stutter[/b][/h3] We have been receiving feedback since the game's launch from some players about the game feeling like it was stuttering while playing on 60 hz/FPS monitors. In this patch we managed to find what the issue was and fixed it, improving greatly how the game runs on these monitors. [h3][b]Narration Frequency Update[/b][/h3] We found that the way the narration frequency was being calculated on previous patches was not ideal, causing some players to feel like changing the frequency setting didn't change much during the actual gameplay. Trying to improve that, we changed how the cooldown between each Lele line was calculated, making it so the changes to frequency feel more impactful. [h3][b][u]Follow Dandy Ace on all of our Social Media:[/u][/b][/h3] [b]Twitter:[/b] [url=https://twitter.com/DandyAceGame]https://twitter.com/DandyAceGame[/url] [b]Instagram: [/b][url=https://www.instagram.com/madmimic]https://www.instagram.com/madmimic[/url] [b]Discord:[/b] [url=https://discord.gg/EDby5gp]https://discord.gg/EDby5gp[/url] [b]Facebook:[/b] [url=https://www.facebook.com/mad.mimic/]https://www.facebook.com/mad.mimic/[/url]