Current Demo Available Until October 10 GMT+9

The Devil Within: Satgat

Join Kim Rip, a Royal Guard whose humanity is gradually slipping away, on a thrilling 2.5D action-adventure platforming journey in 'The Devil Within: Satgat'. Uncover the mysteries of a desolate realm as you engage in stylish battles against formidable foes.

Hello everyone! First off, we here at Newcore Games would like to thank everyone for playing the demo and providing feedback in the Community section, in person at game events like TGS 2023, as well as our official [url=]Discord[/url]. We gathered a lot of opinions that helped us shape the direction of the game, which you can see sneak peaks of in the following video: [previewyoutube=72CC2fx3p7I;full][/previewyoutube] After collecting all of this feedback and balancing it with our own goals and expectations of the game, we are going to focus on getting a new demo out sooner rather than later. To do this, [b]the current Devil Within: Satgat demo[/b] will be taken down on [b]October 10th GMT+9.[/b] Please do continue to give feedback and suggestions in the Community section as well as on our official Discord! We cannot wait for you all to check out what we have in store for The Devil Within: Satgat.