[h1][b]VERSION: SALTY SNOW #1.26 (public)[/b][/h1]
[h2][b][u]CRASH REPORTER[/u][/b][/h2]
FINALLY, there is now a crash reporter that you can all use whenever the game crashes.
It will send the relevant information, so that I can narrow down the crashes that so many people are having, and if you do have a crash, all you need to do is click the [b]SUBMIT CRASH REPORT[/b] button! :)
One of the most common issues that people have who refund the game, is the frequent crashes, however with no way of EASILY submitting a crash report, it's no wonder that people refund it and are upset.
Sure there's a little guide on the forums, but that's not good enough, it should only require one click of a button, that's it, so that's what I have set up for you all.
Obviously you can leave comments that you think may help me hunt down any crashes, and I urge you all to do this if you do run into a crash, as that additional information may highlight the issue and make it a hell of a lot easier for me to hunt down.
This of course doesn't mean that I will be able to immediately fix these crashes, but it at least points me in the right direction.
[h2][b][u]MAIN SUSPECTED CRASH CAUSE[/u][/b][/h2]
(Added 27th February 2023)
This has been an issue for a while, but I haven't really been able to track the problem until now, but if you are using controller/input emulation software, this may cause issues, so try disabling that software. It's pretty much unnecessary now since Steam's controller emulation is great.
If you are using strange, 3rd party controllers, or input based peripherals, such as the Mayflash Dolphin bar, Wii Nunchuck's etc this may also cause problems, these things generally need emulation software to be functional too, so try unplugging USB controllers or disabling wireless/bluetooth controllers, and emulation software, to see if this fixes your crash.
I have reached out to the developer of the Input plugin, as I've already had some crash reports come through, and they are all pretty much the same. It is iterating through Nintendo controllers, Xbox controllers, and then finds some strange bizarre controller and bam, it crashes JUST because it is connected.
So I am trying to find a way to allow the game to still run, even when the plugin finds one of these controllers.
Typically, if you are using an Xbox, Playstation, or Nintendo certified controller, you won't have any problems for now, but I would like to get it to the point where it'll work regardless of what you have plugged in.
[h2][b][u]CRASH FIX[/u][/b][/h2]
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A crash that occurred when a client was mashing the keyboard or down arrow on their keyboard during loading screens is now fixed.
This was fixed thanks to a report from community members LolGod and HasteDay, who play Metal Heads weekly over at HasteDay's twitch channel. [url=https://www.twitch.tv/hasteday]https://www.twitch.tv/hasteday[/url]
And trying to find this bug, prompted a search for other crashes, which ultimately led to the creation of the crash reporter, so you all have these awesome community members to thank for being so vigilant.
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In summary, I've been hard at work on creating a fully customizable board game experience, giving you guys the tools to play the board game mode how YOU want to play it, as well as working on new board game maps.
I'll provide more detail on this as it gets closer to being finished.
However, when I say I've been "hard at work", that is only when I COULD work.
At the very start of the year, I injured my spine, which left me bed ridden.
The last 2 months, I have been laid flat on my back in bed, and not really able to do much at all, including working at my main PC.
However eventually, after feeling sorry for myself, I set up my laptop in my room, and started learning new game development related things to help with not only the development of Metal Heads, but my future as a game developer.
That's not to say I didn't take it as an opportunity to actually have a break, relax and actually REST, which isn't something I'm accustomed to doing.
Thankfully the experience has reminded me once again to take things slow, and not to panic about not getting this done or that done by this or that time....so long as progress is being made, that's the most important thing.
It hasn't been the ideal start to the year for sure, but perhaps it's a blessing in disguise, perhaps it's an experience that has given me a better perspective on not just the game development, but life in general.
I'll find out in ~1 week what the injury actually is, I'm hoping it's just a herniated or bulging disc, and not something like a degenerated disc, or fracture or something nasty that requires surgery.
I AM definitely improving, but I also need to be careful and not get over-zealous, thinking that I can bounce right back again. It's going to take time and patience.
I hope you are all doing well, and your 2023 is awesome so far!
Until next time, ROCK ON!