Welcome to Sunshine Heavy Industries! As the new spaceship engineer, solve increasingly tricky design puzzles with your own personal style. Manage customer demands, juggle budget and ship performance, and survive the questionable decision making skills of your business partner.
[b]Hello, space builders![/b] The second content bundle is here!
[*] Characters are all animated!
[*] Characters now have additional foreground art in every mission!
[*] New missions!
[*] A total of 101 parts!
[*] Lots of new requirements:
[*] Compact / Compact X / Compact Y: Make your ship as small as possible through various restrictions!
[*] Connected Crew: Make all crew living spaces touch!
[*] Extreme Temperatures: Heat management is more important than ever!
Go take a look!
And as always, [url=https://steamcommunity.com/linkfilter/?url=https://discord.gg/qeFqyc4W45]feedback is welcome on our Discord![/url]