Conan Unconquered Game Update (Patch Notes for 02/07/2019)

Hello everyone, we've just pushed the latest changes from the test branch of Conan Unconquered into the live branch! We really appreciate everyone who has taken the time to test these changes and provide constructive feedback, so don't hesitate to share any further thoughts and suggestions, we're listening! [h1]GENERAL FIXES:[/h1] [list] [*] Added a cap for all advanced, elite and siege wave enemies to prevent instances where the number of attacks can be overwhelming. Handles 30+ Large Spiders on Co-op Mission #5 (for example) in Co-Op and Unconquered Modes. [*] Corpse catapults will now block nearby structure placement as intended. [*] Additional check added to Avatar of Mitra to prevent him attempting to attack while in summon animation (and breaking the summon). [*] Fix for a case of units getting stuck with a protected order, unable to receive new orders from the player. Basically, fixes issue where player units can no longer be controlled. [*] Adjusted targeting settings for all player ranged units (Javelin Soldier, Archer, Heavy Archer, Sorcerer); units should now spread their shots out more when garrisoned in towers and facing large numbers of enemies. [*] Passability changes to prevent units from clipping into water areas and other odd behavior in relation to general pathfinding. [*] General crash fix when issuing orders (no specific repro case for this) [*] Fix for Coop teammates unable to research if they hide production buttons in game options. [*] Added logic to allow the fire slinging wave units to target additional walls (so that they are not stuck on the first wall they attack) [/list] [h1]BALANCE CHANGES:[/h1] [list] [*] All unit fire-fighting ability increased by 20%. In addition, fire-extinguishing sand now hits in a slight AoE, allowing for easier extinguishing of burning walls. [*] Flame Demons and the Risen Inferno Lord will now correctly take zero damage from all fire sources. [*] KUTAMUN: Reduced damage vs melee targets (was using incorrect RPS setting), reduced damage vs. stone or reinforced structure material types. [*] HEAVY ARCHER: Animal build cost reduced to 2 (was 5), Food build cost reduced to 1 (was 3), Wood build cost reduced to 3 (was 4) [*] HEAVY CAVALRY: Gold build cost reduced to 400 (was 410), Iron build cost reduced to 2 (was 4), Thrall build cost reduced to 1 (was 2), Wood build cost reduced to 0 (was 2), Animal upkeep cost increased to 4 (was 3) [*] LIGHT CAVALRY: Thrall build cost reduced to 1 (was 2), Gold build cost reduced to 180 (was 200), Gold upkeep cost reduced to 2 (was 3) [*] PIKEMAN: Food build cost reduced to 1 (was 2), Animal build cost reduced to 0 (was 2), Gold build cost reduced to 280 (was 300), Base damage increased to 10 (was 8) [*] PRIESTESS: Thrall build cost reduced to 1 (was 3), Gold build cost reduced to 300 (was 320), Gold upkeep cost reduced to 8 (was 10) [*] SORCERER: Food build cost reduced to 1 (was 3), Gold build cost reduced to 300 (was 350), Gold upkeep cost reduced to 8 (was 10) [*] COMMAND FORT: Gold upkeep cost reduced to 18 (was 30), Wood upkeep cost reduced to 0 (was 4), Iron upkeep reduced to 1 (was 2), Stone upkeep increased to 1 (was 0) [*] ENCLAVE: Gold upkeep cost reduced to 26 (was 40) [*] FIREBALL TRAP: Iron build cost reduced to 1 (was 2) [*] LOOKOUT TOWER: Gold build cost reduced to 125 (was 175) [*] LUMBER CAMP: Command build cost reduced to 2 (was 4) [*] MANGONEL TOWER: Thrall build cost reduced to 8 (was 12), Stone build cost reduced to 15 (was 25) [*] MINE: Stone build cost reduced to 15 (was 25), Gold build cost reduced to 450 (was 500), Gold upkeep cost reduced to 16 (was 25) [*] PLANTATION: Gold upkeep cost reduced to 14 (was 20) [*] QUARRY: Gold upkeep cost reduced to 10 (Was 15) [*] STYGIAN FIRE TOWER: Gold upkeep cost reduced to 28 (was 30), Thrall build cost reduced to 12 (was 15), Gold build cost reduced to 800 (was 1200), Stone build cost reduced to 10 (was 20) [*] SUNBURST TOWER: Stone build cost reduced to 0 (was 20), Iron build cost increased to 10 (was 0), Gold build cost reduced to 800 (was 1000) [*] WALL REINFORCEMENT: Iron upkeep cost reduced to 2 (was 3) [*] WHEEL OF PAIN: Gold build cost reduced to 520 (was 600) [/list] [h1]ANIMATION / DESTRUCTION EFFECTS:[/h1] [list] [*] Conan Run Animation to match new movement speed and generally improved [*] Enclave physics destruction added [*] Cottage physics destruction added [*] Command Tent physics destruction added [*] Blacksmith physics destruction added [*] Sorcerer’s Cabal physics destruction added [*] Command Fort physics destruction added [/list]