Community Tales #12

Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord

A strategy/action RPG. Create a character, engage in diplomacy, craft, trade and conquer new lands in a vast medieval sandbox. Raise armies to lead into battle and command and fight alongside your troops in massive real-time battles using a deep but intuitive skill-based combat system.

[img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/26623866/e1634c234a9efadbcd3d9846f82d3e43e47d34a0.png[/img] Greetings warriors of Calradia! Welcome to the twelfth edition of the Community Tales - highlighting some fantastic creations and events that you can join! We wish you happy holidays and a wonderful new year. Stay tuned and take care! Without further ado, let’s jump right in! [hr][/hr][hr][/hr] [h2]Artisan's Atelier [/h2] [url=]The faithful followers[/url] by [BRE] Guiskard [img] faithful followers.png[/img] [url=]Aserai man[/url] by Senior-Ad335 [img] man.png[/img] [hr][/hr] [h2]Knightly Vistas[/h2] [url=]Ready for battle[/url] by červený motor [img] for battle.png[/img] [url=]The Battle of Qasira[/url] by maskoffTND [img] Battle of Qasira.png[/img] [hr][/hr] [h2]Crafting Marvels[/h2] [table noborder=1] [tr] [td][url=][img] Troops.jpg[/img][/url][/td] [td][url=][b]Enhanced Troops[/b][/url] by Ulfkarl This mod transforms troop appearances with carefully curated equipment from different equipment mods, bringing distinct and cohesive gear to each faction. It adds variety and enhances historical immersion while maintaining balance, ensuring that troops feel unique and authentic to their culture. [/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][url=][img] HP.jpg.png[/img][/url][/td] [td][url=][b]Scaling HP[/b][/url] by Pyrolyzed Experience scalable HP based on level and endurance with this modification, adding more depth to character progression. Complete, on-the-fly customization allows you to tweak endurance and level bonuses, apply changes to companions and troops, and adjust values as percentages or flat amounts. A great addition for those seeking a personalized and dynamic health system.[/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][url=][img] Settlement.png[/img][/url][/td] [td][url=][b]Player Settlement[/b][/url] by B0TLANNER With this mod, you can build and customize your own towns, castles, and villages anywhere on the map. Once constructed, your settlements become fully functional, supporting tournaments, caravans, production, and even sieges or raids. The mod offers deep customization, enabling features like culture selection, garrison and notable generation, and flexible construction settings. [/td] [/tr] [/table][hr][/hr] [h2]Chronicles in Motion[/h2] [url=]Beginner's Guide To Bannerlord Even Grandma Would Understand[/url] by Strat Gaming Guides [previewyoutube=7XVEMh-fYEY;full][/previewyoutube] [url=]I Spent 100 Days as a SOLDIER[/url] by Arean [previewyoutube=5wH7kG2yBB8;full][/previewyoutube] [url=]My Greatest Army Command On Bannerlord[/url] by Benoni [previewyoutube=SJNMRQ1-45o;full][/previewyoutube] [hr][/hr] [h2]Chivalrous Assemblies[/h2] [h3]Bannerlord Native League #5[/h3] [img][/img] The [url=]Bannerlord Native League #5[/url] has come to an end. All the divisions have gotten their new champions who won their share of the loot prize pool. Congratulations to [b]Vineyard Workers (VW)[/b] for taking the gold in the Division A grand finals ([url=]watch here[/url]), as well as to the winners of all the other divisions, and well done to all the teams that participated! The BNL administration team has done wonderful work with the organization and maintenance of this tournament and we hope to see many more iterations of the Bannerlord Native League. [h3]Rhesos' Reckoning - Bannerlord Calradic Campaign #49[/h3] [img][/img] The [b]Calradic Campaign[/b] team is organizing the [url=]fourthy-ninth event[/url] in their Bannerlord series - “Rhesos' Reckoning”. Join up for some hack & slash today on Saturday, December 21st, at 4:00pm EST on their Calradic_Campaign server using their [url=]Module[/url]. If you would like a quick overview of the CC events, check out this video - [url=]What is the Calradic Campaign?[/url] You can check all the details, including how to join, on their [url=]Reddit page[/url]. [h3]Multiplayer skirmish map-making competition[/h3] Our NA and EU multiplayer communities are hosting a [url=]Skirmish Map-Making Competition[/url] aimed at expanding the competitive map pool for multiplayer battles. This [b]community-run[/b] initiative is a great chance for creative players to dive into the mapping scene and leave their mark on Bannerlord's competitive landscape! The submissions will be made [b]open-source[/b] and may be used in tournaments, skirmish games, and other events hosted by the skirmish community. [b]Submission Deadline[/b]: 24th of January 2025. For details on [b]how to join[/b], the contest [b]rules[/b], as well as the [b]prizes[/b] for the winners, head over [url=]here[/url]. [hr][/hr][hr][/hr] If you would like to suggest content for the next #CommunityTales, make sure to tag [url=]@Mount_and_Blade[/url] on X or [url=]@mountandblade[/url] on Facebook with the #CommunityTales. Alternatively, you can reach out on our forums to [url=]Piconi[/url] or [url=]Dejan[/url].