Science has always been our personal favourite of the win-condition resources, thanks to that oh-so-satisfying feeling of steaming through the Tech tree towards the late game, and the payoffs that come with it. Amassing Science in Civilization 6 is no different, and will also play a crucial role in any playthrough thanks to some integral technologies that are unlocked as you progress.
Just about any civilization can benefit from a strong Science income, regardless of your target victory condition, and so maintaining that income is one of the most important things you can do to secure yourself a healthy late game.
Here, we'll be focusing on explaining how exactly Science works for the newcomers and lapsed Civlization players, whilst also gathering up every single way to earn Science specifically into one all-consuming list. The goal, then, is to have this guide play a complementary role to our other, dedicated Science Victory guide, which contains our more in-depth advice for winning the game through technological advance.