Uncultured brute or not, war in Civilization 6 will inevitably play a part in your campaigning at some point, be it a declaration on you from a once-allied civ, or your own decisio to crush your enemies and achieve the Civ 6 Domination Victory.
Here, we'll be talking you through the fundamentals of military playthroughs in Civ 6, including an explanation of the all new war conditions like Casus Belli, and likewise adding our own advice for the most efficient annihilation of your foe as possible.
Note that this page is due an update since the launch of the Rise and Fall expansion - we'll get to that as soon as possible, but until then we have guide to what's new in Civ 6 Rise and Fall, as well as pages explaining the new Governors and Loyalty system, and how to earn Historic Moments, Era Score and Golden Ages, too.