Sid Meier's Civilization® VI: Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack

The Australia Civilization & Scenario Pack includes the Australian civilization with John Curtin, the Digger unique unit, Outback Station unique improvement, a new Natural Wonder and the new Outback Tycoon scenario.

Last week, Firaxis released Rise and Fall, the first major expansion pack for Civilization 6. It comes with all the usual new features - some new mechanics, buildings, several more historically significant leaders, and so on. But it also brought some smaller, under-the-radar changes - one of which in particular has had a mixed reaction from fans.

The issue centres around Firaxis' addition of more Hidden Agendas for its various leaders, and a couple of those new Agendas in particular: "Flirtatious" and "Curmudgeon". The former means a leader will like other civilizations that have leaders of the opposite sex, and dislike those of the same sex. The latter the opposite: disliking the opposite sex and liking those the same as their own.

If you're not familiar, Agendas are basically the goals, or playstyles, that are given to for each AI-controlled civilization's leader in a game. They come in two forms: fixed agendas that generally suit that leader's overall theme, like Queen Victoria's desire for imperialistic expansion with "Sun Never Sets"; and Hidden Agendas, which are randomly assigned and a bit more light-hearted about adding personality - maybe a leader is "Fun Loving" and wants to keep their citizens well entertained, or "Nuke Happy" and won't hesitate to pelt you with a few ICBMs when the mood takes them. These new ones fall under the latter.

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