Chill castle building game Tiny Glade shows off new rustic structures

Tiny Glade

Tiny Glade is a small diorama builder where you doodle whimsical castles, cozy cottages & romantic ruins. Explore gridless building chemistry as the game adorns your glades with procedural detail. No management, combat or goals: just kick back and turn forgotten meadows into lovable dioramas.

Creativity is one of the driving forces of humanity. Our ability to see a stone wall, a blank canvas, or a clean piece of paper and impart thoughts, dreams, and entire worlds into them is probably our most admirable trait. Which is a very pompous way of saying that games like Tiny Glade - sheer tools of purest creativity - call to something deep within us: our need to create. This sandbox builder already helps castle-filled dreams come to life and now it's offering even more thanks to a brand new building type.

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