Simulator of an 80s Japanese stock market businessman. Chill, catch a retro vibe and watch your profits grow in the text-based game STONKS-9800.
Hi everyone!
It's been a year since I launched [b]STONKS-9800: Stock Market Simulator[/b] in Early Access, and I'm deeply grateful to everyone who's joined me on this journey to improve the game. Just so you know, TERNOX isn't a company. It's just me, working solo, occasionally outsourcing some graphics to bring our ideas to life. This has become my biggest project, and honestly, it's been quite a ride keeping up with it.
Over the past year, STONKS-9800 has expanded massively:
[*] Enhanced company management and a CEO mode
[*] The ability to interact with everyone you know
[*] Golf, an arcade hall with a shoot'em up game and gachapon, poker, fishing
[*] Yakuza events, financial regulations, and much more
[*] The game even got a Korean translation!
I'm incredibly thankful for all the player feedback which has helped make the game more user-friendly and enjoyable.
[h2]What's next?[/h2]
I underestimated the scope of the updates. I hoped to be ready for a full release after a year, but we're not there yet. In fact, this year won't see the full release either, and I'm falling behind on my update schedule again.
So, I'm updating the roadmap once more.
[b]Already in Update 0.4[/b]:
[*] New mini-games including golf, arcade games, and fishing
[*] Direct interactions with the Yakuza and through employees
[*] A city map that allows travel to various new locations like parks and temples
[*] Companies can now go bankrupt, merge, or be acquired
[*] Random event mode, annual business rankings, and plenty of smaller updates and news
[b]I'll continue to improve stability and add minor enhancements in 0.4, but I also want to share my plans for the major 0.5 update.[/b]
[h3]Expect in 0.3:[/h2]
[*] A rhythm-based karaoke mini-game featuring my own tracks styled after retro PC-98 sounds
[*] Claw machine mini-game, allowing you to win toys for Amy and others
[*] Enhanced competition among companies in the same sector, giving you a clear view of your rivals
[*] The option to start a charity or research fund to utilize the endless billions if you're particularly successful
Future plans (not necessarily in 0.5) include a more comprehensive dating simulator.
In [b]Version 0.6[/b], I plan to introduce commercial real estate, which will offer higher profits but at a higher cost. This update will be dedicated to that expansion.
Afterwards, I'll focus on the [b]story mode[/b], which will be the foundation for the [b]full release from Early Access[/b]. The full release might be a bit pricier, and will feature new characters to compete against or befriend.
I appreciate your patience as timelines can be tricky. Thanks again for your support. I hope you enjoy the game as much as I enjoy making it.
If you're not ready to play in Early Access, I understand. Please consider adding the game to your wishlist and waiting for the full release.