Build 4.19.042 release

Realms of Antiquity: The Shattered Crown

A retro-CRPG for the TI-99/4a home computer, also playable in modern Windows.

[h2]Change-list:[/h2] [list] [*]Bugs [list] [*]Fixed a boss monster pathfinding issue that prevented a 2nd large enemy from attacking in melee. [*]Fixed the fallen paladin carrying Skullcrusher so you can't get it more than once, or crash your game by accident. [*]Fixed the Corrosion spell's FX. [*]Using the Rainbow Orb in combat now has the correct FX displaying. [*]Finding rations in treasure chests no longer prompts for player selection. [*]You can no longer discard artifacts while going through a treasure chest post-battle and choosing to swap. [*]Removed "Trade" option for single character parties with treasure chests in combat. [*]Sleeping characters can no longer open chests after combat. [*]Tweaked monster sorcery skill up a bit across the board; an earlier bug masked the low values. [*]The strange scepter now disappears from your inventory as intended when placed in Remzak's altar. [*]Grammar/spelling corrections.[/list] [*]Features [list] [*]Game reload is now available in combat mode. [*]Seven new spells, added to existing spellbooks and also available to monsters: [list] [*]Firebeam, shoots a blast of fire in a line from caster. [*]Kismet, reduces monster spawn interval. [*]Iceball, cold damage in a ball. [*]Mark, marks current location for homing stone. [*]Mass Ward, casts ward on entire party. [*]Mindblast, large cone of mental damage from caster. [*]Restore, restores health and stamina to target. If cast on self, stamina penalized. [/list] [*]Magic Blade now has a unique sound effect that is the same in both travel and combat. [*]Pathfinding optimization and fixes to reduce odd behavior like running away from targets. [*]Some boss monsters are now guaranteed to drop random rare items. [*]New monsters added, two new fiends and "Drakvir", dragon-like men in four varieties. [*]Added specific monster abilities "berzerk", "regeneration", and "strength" that is self-targeted only. [*]When the active character has no lockpicks, it now says "{active character} has no lockpick!" [*]When the active character has no trap tools, it now says "{active character} has no tool!" [*]The Radiant Pharos has extra abilities: [list] [*]It now reveals all secrets and dangers for all party members. [*]All traps are 100% discoverable in its light. [/list] [*]Wands no longer deal piercing damage, and damage has been altered to low base/high range instead of vice-versa. [*]Weapons with special effect properties now deal both damage and the special effect. [list] [*]If you equip a trinket and a weapon with special weapon effects, the trinket takes precedence. [/list] [*]You can now examine equipped items. [*]You can now equip items swapping out current item in slot. [list] [*]Combinations like 1H to 2H that would require two slots are rejected, you need to remove them manually. [/list] [*]Tools, light sources, and artifacts now have descriptions when examined. [*]Examining a spellbook will prompt you to equip it and view the spell list on the statistic screens. [*]You can now examine items in shops, as well as items you're selling. [*]When having a round of drinks at a pub, you are now prompted if you want to stay and hear more (at no additional cost). [*]The mountain region between Fort Granros and Bleyloch is now known as the Blackcrag Pass. [list] [*]In-game text has been updated to refer to this name. [/list] [*]Bramimir now considers two quests in the Savage Isles as worthy deeds that earn her companionship. [*]A road and bridge now crosses the river near Port Bonifice. [*]Attempting to leave the pirate hut now triggers the quest encounter with the pirate captain. (Only on new games.) [*]Herbal Remedy is now available in the Ispahan Bazaar. [*]You can now sell items at the Ispahan Bazaar. [*]Zeke's Tools in Weymoor now buys back a lot more variety of items. [*]Clogs and Crafts in Bleyloch now buys items. [*]McDonnall's Merchantile in Port Bonifice now buys items. [*]PDF of the deluxe map now included in the Docs folder. [/list][/list]