ORX is a new take on the well-known tower defense genre, blending mechanics of popular deck building and tabletop games to create a truly unique experience. Grow your castle, expand your domain, and take a stand against hordes of green-skinned attackers!
Greetings ORX slayers!
The first update with reinforcements for Boreals Nomads is out! This patch adds a new runic circle, holidays and a new building type.
First up are the special fences! Add a toxicologist or a chemist annex to your fence, and your village might hold off the ORX on its own. Of course, these are not all-powerful, and without Boreals your settlements will fall — but it’s a nice supporting building for situations when Boreals just can’t tackle every ORX on the field.
Next we have the Neuro Circle. Just like with other Neuro cards for Rune Guardians and Dune Reavers, this one grows stronger the more of them you have activated. So don’t pay attention to relatively small bonuses — if you upgrade it at least once and enchant the card with double charges, your Boreals will get an insane boost. And it’s kinda hard to go back!
And to boost Boreals further and beyond, we’re introducing three new Holidays! With them you don’t have to worry about shopping lines or missing on a crucial craftsman. For example, Merchant Festival has an auto-buy effect upon placement, while Black Owl Coven empowers the giants with damage and lifesteal. With these tools ORX will have hard time fighting you!
[h2]Patch Notes[/h2]
[*] New building type for Boreal Nomads — Special Fences.
[*] Fence Toxicologist
[*] Fence Chemist
[*] Fence Demolishionist
[*] Fence Cryomancer[/list][/list][list]
[*] New Holidays
[*] Merchant Festival
[*] Black Owl Coven
[*] Ice Queen Omen[/list][/list][list]
[*] New runic circle
[*] Nero Circle[/list][/list]
[h3]AI improvements[/h3]
[*] Improved the task prioritization and path finding logic for Boreals[/list]
[h3]Bug fixes[/h3]
[*] Fixed a rare issue where path finding for Boreals would break if their target happened to be on Dead Soil (ORX tiles)
[*] Fixed relics not restoring upon Dawn in some cases
[h2]Featured in previous updates[/h2]
[*] Gave Boreal Druid additional logic to prioritize healing other Boreals participating in a Contract
[h3]User Interface[/h3]
[*] Added pre-selection of the last played faction when starting a new run
[h3]Bug Fixes[/h3]
[*] Fixed Holidays applying buffs from every instance of the same Holiday separately
[*] Fixed Holiday buffs appearing as separate entities in unit info screen, even if they apply a combined effect
[*] Fixed projectile controller causing a crash at high attack speeds
[*] Fixed sometimes not being able to play a Contract onto Monster's Lair
[*] Fixed not being able to play Hallucination card on Boreal heroes
[*] Fixed mirrored contract priority numbers
[*] Fixed the ability to place Boreal Nomads structures on top of relics
That's it for today. See you in the next update!
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