Blender 4.2.2 LTS Maintenance Release !


Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite. Free to use for everyone, for any purpose.

Blender 4.2.2 LTS features important bug fixes. It is released on the [i]v4.2 - Stable - LTS[/i] branch. You can switch to this by [b]right-clicking[/b] on the [b]Blender[/b] entry in your library, select [b]Properties...[/b]. Open the [b]Betas[/b] tab and select [b]v4.2 - Stable - LTS[/b]. [h3]Patch Notes[/h3] [list] * Wayland: tiny mouse cursor with 125% fractional scaling. ([url=]#105895[/url]) * OpenGL: Enable High Quality Normals for Legacy AMD Drivers. ([url=]#126483[/url]) * Blender 4.2 - Entering Grease Pencil 'Weight Paint' mode (in a new scene) crashes Blender. ([url=]#126419[/url]) * Fix #126434: Boid particle fight rule crash involving non-boid psys. ([url=]#126494[/url]) * Geometry Nodes: Crash in Sample UV Surface node. ([url=]#126450[/url]) * Blender has impractically long startup time opening old files with many objects. ([url=]#126526[/url]) * Crash while bridging faces. ([url=]#123405[/url]) * Hex values in color popup are written with 1 or 2 digits mixed, instead of always using 2 digits. ([url=]#126551[/url]) * VDB sequence gets imported multiple times and gets chopped up. ([url=]#124832[/url]) * Wrong cursor icon after saving with multiple windows open. ([url=]#124693[/url]) * Crash when unlinking scene from render layers node in compositor when using GPU device. ([url=]#126552[/url]) * Alembic: Issues importing Hair in 4.2 but not in 3.6. ([url=]#126324[/url]) * Regression: Group ID in Fill Curve Evaluate inconsistantly. ([url=]#126595[/url]) * Fix missing error check for fork() failing. ([url=]2c9e26acc56[/url]) * Fix soft-delete hanging on *nix when the command was not found. ([url=]70475861cda[/url]) * Regression: Graph Editor: broken f-curve line. ([url=]#120950[/url]) * Extensions: Update the example license on the manifest template. ([url=]e877bedac72[/url]) * 4.2.1 EEVEE Cryptomatte pass doesn't match Cycles. ([url=]#126556[/url]) * Data passes have wrong alpha with macOS GPU compositor. ([url=]#126412[/url]) * Fix: Outdated tooltip on Principled BSDF. ([url=]1e9ae10e904[/url]) * Fix crash & other errors creating fallback path for buttons. ([url=]c3916026773[/url]) * Cryptomatte doesn't work when its source is EXR file packed into blend file. ([url=]#126567[/url]) * Build: Ambiguous call to isfinite for MSVC 17.11. ([url=]fc31352b706[/url]) * Black transparent BSDF is invisible. ([url=]#126459[/url]) * Backface culling keeps "face orientation" overlay. ([url=]#126351[/url]) * USD drag-drop import crash after undo. ([url=]#124752[/url]) * USDA import crashes Blender during material assignment to geometry subsets. ([url=]#125184[/url]) * Fix: USD: Use correct data type for UsdPreviewSurface normal input. ([url=]f50e4cbb62d[/url]) * Steam launcher script refuses to launch on drive mount points that contain spaces. ([url=]#126734[/url]) * Fix: Typo in extensions repository lock info message. ([url=]7ceedb5f4c3[/url]) * EEVEE-NEXT - Shadows Break with Subdivision Surface (RDNA2 only?). ([url=]#123787[/url]) * EEVEE Command Line Rendering on the Mac freezes, memory usage constantly increases up until freeze. ([url=]#125333[/url]) * Group input socket missing subtype when created from Gamma shader node Gamma socket. ([url=]#126535[/url]) * Segmentation Fault Upon Blender Startup. ([url=]#126573[/url]) * Objects displayed as Wire occlude objects behind when Face Orientation is on. ([url=]#126225[/url]) * Fix: Cycles memory leak in HIP-RT. ([url=]357fb5c5ffd[/url]) * Pin to last issue on Library override object. ([url=]#126677[/url]) * Missing vcruntime140.dll when running blender-launcher.exe on Windows. ([url=]#126798[/url]) * Compositor has no independent Texture access. ([url=]#126856[/url]) * Fix incorrect location from SpaceText.region_location_from_cursor. ([url=]fb14083ff54[/url]) * Multiresolution modifier: Using 'Unsubdivide' while the mesh has faces hidden in edit mode results in Blender freezing completely. ([url=]#126633[/url]) * Fix multi-res un-subdivide skipping faces & leaking memory. ([url=]574d096f784[/url]) * Crash on clicking 'Lock Camera to View' widget after running 'Reload Scripts' operator. ([url=]#126852[/url]) * glTF exporter: Fix UI after Blender changes. ([url=]fc9b876f25a[/url]) * glTF exporter: Fix custom prop when apply modifier. ([url=]e38cda52808[/url]) * glTF exporter: avoid double export. ([url=]4f660c3b2c6[/url]) * glTF exporter: Regression: RGB to Shader socket unlit management. ([url=]f82b50654ab[/url]) * glTF exporter: fix error message if hook failed. ([url=]f59641b6b04[/url]) * EEVEE: Background turns black when only single visible volume object is present. ([url=]#126986[/url]) * PLY export does not clamp vertex colors when they exceed 1.0 (instead they are wrapped). ([url=]#127022[/url]) * Fix BMFace/BMLoop.copy_from_face_interp() functions. ([url=]b22dd61a47d[/url]) * `copy_from_face_interp` needs tuple input, loses reference, returns nothing. ([url=]#120861[/url]) * atan2(0,0) evaluates to NaN on Metal but 0 on all other platforms. ([url=]#126799[/url]) * Default Cube has `Transparent Shadows` off. ([url=]#126038[/url]) * Fix incorrect use of exit() when execv() fails on *nix. ([url=]374da29f6aa[/url]) * Fix: prevent free of nullptr during bone collection undo processing. ([url=]50506c79455[/url]) * Crash with "Extrude Mesh" geometry node on from_pydata edge only mesh. ([url=]#127085[/url]) * 3D viewport background color affects attribute text color. ([url=]#126908[/url]) * 4.2 oneAPI "Embree on GPU" (HWRT) no hair strands in viewport. ([url=]#124811[/url]) * Fix: Cannot render Victor and Spring with embree disabled on Intel GPUs. ([url=]b72ad1209a8[/url]) * Fix crash entering edit-mode for text objects from old blender versions. ([url=]7bc471630b0[/url]) * Fix crash reading files from v2.66. ([url=]0b42a3aabc1[/url]) * Fix memory leak loading legacy meshes without any edges. ([url=]a9745f2a16c[/url]) * 4.2 Regression: UI popover can not be scrolled upwards. ([url=]#127012[/url]) * Loop cut and Curve Modifier stop working properly. ([url=]#123138[/url]) * Regression: Crash if `cls.bl_rna` after unregister_class(). ([url=]#127165[/url]) * Regression: Connecting node lines disappear. ([url=]#127039[/url]) * Fix missing import in cli command registration example. ([url=]73c27fd6509[/url]) * Fix missing check for "-c" to terminate argument parsing. ([url=]b49c8bd8dad[/url]) * Geometry Nodes Crashes Blender - Access Violation in - Windows 11. ([url=]#127319[/url]) * GP Objects Flicker in Video Sequencer when Material Preview mode. ([url=]#125506[/url]) * EEVEE: Can not use Curves Info->Length. ([url=]#126463[/url]) * Cleanup: pass const depsgraph for viewport funcitons. ([url=]fcc87f44886[/url]) * Fix missing redraw when setting the view axis. ([url=]f06c7a50c63[/url]) * Fix local view failing to restore axis-roll. ([url=]0cb427c9119[/url]) * Console Keyboard Interrupt does not work on Blender 4.2.1. ([url=]#127329[/url]) * EEVEE: Black surfaces on Intel GPU. ([url=]#122837[/url]) * Blender 4.2 - Compress Saving option gets removed when recovering from AutoSave. ([url=]#126821[/url]) * Can't change viewport text overlay color. ([url=]#124549[/url]) * Blender adds Grease Pencil Objects to Scene when appending IDs with annotations (e.g. in their shader editor). ([url=]#127142[/url]) * UI broken in 4.2 when preferences are saved with 4.3. ([url=]#126706[/url]) * Crash when switching an area to asset browser and back and creating a new file. ([url=]#124167[/url]) * Crash on undo: Unlinking Scene Collection from Object Properties panel. ([url=]#126549[/url]) * Area light resize gizmo (amongst other gizmos) missing undo step?. ([url=]#69164[/url]) * 4.2 backport: Core: flush outputs before calling exiting on `execvp` failure. ([url=]8159824a1c8ff1a6165b2c37b399c8b3784bea88[/url]) * glTF: hook UI, distinct import & export draw code. ([url=]79d64e293ce[/url]) * glTF exporter: fix missing hook parameters leading to crash. ([url=]cf0a1b04204[/url]) * glTF: Fix typo in a previous commit. ([url=]062a574786f[/url]) * Fix back-slash character filtering in the outliner & UI list. ([url=]73ef17c17bf[/url]) * Crash after unlink -> undo -> select (linked copied scene). ([url=]#127213[/url]) * Extensions - fail to install extension from cli. ([url=]#126792[/url]) * Fix crash scrubbing in the animation player with 1 frame loaded. ([url=]9d571a11f22[/url]) * Fix error in stereo3d side-by-side display. ([url=]420043d7271[/url]) * BKE_lib: avoid potential read uninitialized memory in BKE_id_copy_*. ([url=]b4cfb0c8168[/url]) * Fix: error in node wrangler format string. ([url=]84ed03ec12e[/url]) * active_framebuffer_get v framebuffer_active_get. ([url=]#127636[/url]) * Fix batch renaming object data from the outliner. ([url=]c6b39783aa6[/url]) * oneAPI Embree GPU, transparent shadows will render opaque if transparent bounces is 1024. ([url=]#125093[/url]) * Meshes or Curves with just "wire" edges disappear in the viewport if SubD is used while in Viewport "Wireframe" mode. ([url=]#126524[/url]) * Regression: Deinterlace checkbox makes video invisible. ([url=]#127654[/url]) * 4.2 backport: Fix fake_retiming_key_init returning uninitialized stack memory. ([url=]06ad4d64312ed97c2cacbd4736a4a1e88712bd03[/url]) [/list] For a detailed list of bug fixes in each release, see [url=] 4.2 LTS releases on[/url] [h3]LTS Program[/h3] Learn more about the [url=]LTS program on[/url] [h3]Stay up-to-date[/h3] You can follow Blender on social media: Keep reporting any issues you find to make this LTS the most stable release ever ! Happy blending, The Blender team