Faster than anyone. Stronger than anyone. And more stunning. Customize your robot for “cyber battle racing” in a game that offers all the thrills of racing, battle, and customization. Online, Offline, Time-Attack... which mode will you dominate?!
Hello, Artists!
We truly appreciate all the comments and ideas you’ve provided regarding the upcoming game balance adjustments!
The second beta version has been released, and includes a lot of adjustments made based on your comments and feedback.
We’d love to get your opinions on this beta version once again, after which we will create another build for public release.
Please see the first piece put up for info on future scheduling and the adjustments mentioned above.
[How to Apply the Beta Update]
Go to Library > BreakartsII > Right-click and select “Properties” > Beta > select “1.4.3b2”.
*Please be sure to back up your save data before updating.
*user => [user name] => AppData => LocalLow => MercuryStudio => BREAK ARTS II
[Update Details]
#Side boost
・Output increased from approx. 78% to approx. 83%
・Slightly reduced slowdown speed after using Boost
#Energy capacity
・Amount of module-increased EN capacity slightly increased (from approx. 7% to approx. 16%)
#Cornering function
・Improvements from 1st beta version relaxed (12.5%→6.2%)
#Brake function enhancement module
・Weight reduced to 0
#Lock-on function
#Decrease in cost needed to attack; increase in frequency of attack opportunities
・Basic lock-on distance frames: 300→350
・Module-based improvement increased by 50%
・Maximum lock-on distance: 999→1500
#Arm weapon energy capacity
#Fixed problem in which building up energy would cause weight to increase, making it difficult to achieve high power.
・Capacity further improved: 12.5%→20%
#Cannon (Assist) and Grenade (Arm) explosives
・Changed so that when within blast range, at least 40% damage is incurred.
*Was "50%" in 1st beta version; reduced to 40%.
*Same with blast waves.
#AMP SAVER (Attack power reduction module)
・Removed weight reduction effect
#EMT-05a "Dragon" (Emitter)
・Shot speed further reduced from 1st beta ver.; changed from 210 to 200
#K01-AGY (Assist damage-type missile)
・Beta 1 attack power decreased from 12,000 -> 9,000
[h3]◆Bug fixes, etc.[/h3]
#Fixed mistaken % displays for energy-absorbing modules
#Optimized loading for effects, shots, voices, etc. during races
*This may cause newer bugs to occur.
*Please report any bugs you find, and they will be fixed regardless of update schedule.
Changes in CPU due to these adjustments are still in the process of being fixed.
While module adjustments have not yet been finalized, please let us know if you find any particular CPU to be unreasonably strong/weak, or any other possible side effects, and we will look into any reports as soon as possible.
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[url=]PLAYISM Steam Community[/url]