Beta V0.2.17 - Release Notes

In Search of Heroes!

Calling all Heroes! The age of knights is in its twilight, but the people still require your aid! Venture through various randomly-generated locales, complete quests and take down fearsome bosses. Return to your home estate to construct new buildings, equip powerful weapons, and rally new heroes!

[h2]Beta V0.2.17 - Release Notes[/h2] [h3]New Features[/h3] [list] [*] New Menu Sound Effects [*] New Sound Effects for Collectable Items (Ore, Bloodvials, Spirt orb) [*] Quest Progress Saving (Reinstated after hotfix) [*] New Studio Logo [/list] [h3]Balances[/h3] [list] [*] Tweaked Health for almost all Minibosses and Bosses [*] Slowed down the Werewolf attacks a little bit [/list] [h3]Bug Fixes[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed a couple of tool-tips having wrong Input Glyphs [*] Breakables (Plants/Barrels/Stalagmites) now show player hit effects [*] Fixed issue with Reflect Shields preventing "Retaliate" ability from triggering on the Knight [*] Fixed issue causing Tier 3 Forest boss from starting abilities early [*] Hopefully fixed issues causing some enemy corpses being unlootable [*] Fixed navigation issues in the option menu when using a controller or keyboard navigation [*] Updated PlayStation Controller Glyphs to have the correct naming for the Triggers (R1/L1) [*] Fixed issue being unable to build from build menu [/list]