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The Black Masses

The Black Masses is an open world first-person fantasy co-op RPG. The Black Masses features our next generation of crowd rendering technology rebuilt from Ultimate Epic Battle Simulator. Explore a 16 square kilometer island populated by hundreds of thousands of possessed inhabitants.

Beta v0.1 is now live everyone! Explore the vast new city of Midridge, rich with content and lore. Jump back into the main quests with many hours of new content. Tuesday Hotfix: -Finale beta cinematic issue fixed where sometimes the cinematic would not play at end doorway. -Debug text removed during steam friend invite. -Other small fixes. NOTE: We have already patched the issue where a high level player profile appeared for some people. For those of you who updated earlier and still have the high level profile, we suggest deleting this profile as playing on this 'test profile' will cause issues. We apologize. Trailer: [previewyoutube=mQUap6tGx8Q;leftthumb][/previewyoutube] New Features/Content: -Massive city of Midridge added. -Steam friend invites added to multiplayer. -New main quest line continues with hours of content. -Loads of secrets and side quests located throughout the city. -New explorable areas added outside of the city including a large cave. -New cinematic. (Working on a fix, sometimes cinematic does not trigger for some reason). -New weapons added. -Many other small features/content were added. Bugs/Fixes: -Bug fixed where demons and other special units rapidly fired off their abilities in multiplayer. -Freeze lags some reduced somewhat(Very difficult to reduce this being streamed open world). -Performance increase in large crowds. -Shading improvements for distant buildings. -Reduced the number of knights and demons in Foot tower. -Fixes in the Secure Kirkwall quest. -Many other small bugs/fixes were resolved. Note: Max level was not increased for this update. We determined level 60 was sufficient for the content we added. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! Enjoy the Beta release! Thank you all for your amazing support! Regards, Brilliant Game Studios.