Beta 14 "Mod Support" Patch (Beta 14.1.0)

No Plan B

Carefully plan your team's tactics in close quarters battles. Use the timeline to synchronize each door breach, grenade throw and room entry with precision. Watch your team execute your plan autonomously in epic cinematic replays. Take on challenging roguelike campaigns or standalone missions.

[h2]Campaign First Chapter Balancing[/h2] [list] [*] Limited interior objective count to 1 [*] Reduced the amount of open doors [*] Disabled the 5x15 rooms [/list] [h2]Improvements[/h2] [list] [*] Added 1 more grenade (from a different type) to the initial arsenal of all factions [*] Added more skin options to the SWAT faction (no beard, gaz mask) [*] Added small damages on the Stun, Shock and Stinger grenade explosions [*] Improved the size categorization of the generated maps [*] Added a message explaning how to unlock items when clicking on them [*] Added the available credits in the setup screen [*] Updated translations [/list] [h2]Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed the planning version of some walls [/list]