Ash of Gods: The Way | Gameplay Trailer

Ash of Gods: The Way

A turn-based deck building puzzle game where every battle is unique and your choices matter! Capture checkpoints, defend your Commander from deadly enemies, overcome challenges and handle nasty surprises to win. Two decks, five factions and thirty two endings!

Hello friends! We heard your wishes for more gameplay previews, so let’s go big! We just released a brand new trailer for your viewing pleasure, showcasing the gameplay you can expect from the full game. [h2][b]Watch the new Gameplay Trailer here:[/b][/h2] [previewyoutube=4cQy_gYacsU;full][/previewyoutube] [h3]Remember, you can still try the free Ash of Gods: The Way Prologue and experience the opening chapters of the game.[/h3] Find the Prologue in the Steam store, or find the direct link in the comment section. [h2][b]New Gameplay Mechanics[/b][/h2] Once you finish the first tournament, you’ll have to face many new challenges and gameplay mechanics. So what can you expect from the rest of the game? [list] [*]Participate in three more tournaments and face off against their Champions [*]Play with two new card decks; one focussing on defensive tactics and health drain, the other on offensive tactics and sniping the enemy commander [*]Flesh out the Bandit deck and unlock powerful new cards for your trusty Berkana deck [*]Upgrade your favorite cards to new levels and give them new abilities based on your playstyle or needs [*]Unlock powerful new Commanders with game-changing special abilities [*]Put your skills to the test by clearing Challenge Mode battles and be handsomely rewarded [*]…and plenty more yet to be discovered! [/list] [hr][/hr] [h3]Connect with us to stay up-to-date![/h3] Twitter: VK: Discord: YouTube: [h3]Be sure to wishlist Ash of Gods: The Way to support the game and follow the page to get the news right in your library![/h3]