Alpha Demo Patch 27h: More crucial bug fixes

At this point, most of the substantial bugs present in the demo have been dealt with. In future updates, I'll be pushing forward with features like full gamepad support and local co-op. I've been reading all your feedback, and rest assured that the game will be going through some pretty hefty gameplay and balance changes in the near future. The demo needed to be released on a particular timeline for Steam Next Fest, which unfortunately didn't give me the opportunity to implement a big chunk of my planned designs, or do any sort of balance pass. I've been focusing on bug fixes since the demo launch, but that focus will shift soon. Stay tuned, as I'm planning to release a detailed roadmap pretty soon, which should hopefully clear up any confusion about the state of the game! [h3][b]v27h[/b][/h3] [list] [*]New Textures for various objects depending on the type of building they were spawned in. Internally a whole bunch of new objects were added that won't yet be visible in the game world. [*]Fix for timing-based potential crash in load sequence at 92% [*]Fixed a soft lock error relating to object spawns [*]Fix for soft-lock attempting to spawn certain types of roadside buildings [*]Fix for player faction starting locations not always appearing on the map if they were too far from the player's initial starting point [*]Improvements to help ensure NPCs not get stuck between chairs/bed and wall [*]Fix for further cases of cars driven by NPCs getting stuck and facing the wrong angle [*]Fixed a couple of city-to-nature texture transitions where city pavement edges were shown at inappropriate spots. [*]Fix for doors inside apartment buildings not always being locked from the correct side [*]Fix for effects of Confused carrying over when loading a saved game [*]Well Rested carries over when loading a saved game [*]Fix for water explosion particle effects not appearing [*]Internally made several key map generation fixes, which you'll see in a future build. I'll be releasing all this at once, as this will likely screw up existing saved worlds. [/list]