Alpha Demo Patch 27e: Major World Generation Performance Improvements

[h3][b]v27e[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Reduced RAM usage by a bit, but a more sizeable reduction will be coming in a future update. I didn't add it to this one because its effects on world generation would invalidate existing saved worlds. I'll be working toward a solution of keeping existing worlds intact when such changes are made to world gen. [*]World generation loading has a consistently decent frame rate without any massive spikes. This will hopefully solve issues some players had with the game crashing during world gen. [*]Reduced world generation time by about 50% [*]Fix for chunks loading a second time when the player returns to the title screen, resulting in increased RAM usage. [*]Fix for cases where world generation could get stuck at 30% due to issues with placement of large cities [*]Fix for black void appearing upon loading certain saved games, due to quest-related error [*]Fix for keys and safe combinations not always being loaded properly when the player quits the game and returns [*]Fix for Mayor Hat being un-retrievable if the Mayor fell down a hole, it will teleport out of the hole (this will be dealt with in some other way in the future) [*]Fix for gang members getting teleported out of the player's view when their fellow gang members leave the play area. This was also responsible for cars getting stuck when driving with certain NPCs. [*]Fix for quest location icons not zooming in and out on the map if the player had previously discovered that location [*]Fix for player not being able to drag and drop inventory items in keyboard/mouse mode [*]Fix for Hacker NPC not properly hacking Car for the player to drive [*]Fix for player stat boosts carrying over permanently when saved games are loaded [*]Fix for Trash Cans and other environmental objects appearing next to homes that the player has built [*]Fix for a bunch of animal interactions being possible that didn't make sense [*]Fix for incorrect website link on title screen [*]Recipes for which the player has crafting ingredients appear at the top of the crafting list [/list] [h3][b]v27f[/b][/h3] [list] [*]Fix for timing-related issue that caused players to start the game stranded in the middle of the ocean [*]Fix for players being able to access coop menus via the gamepad (it didn't work by the way, no need to save your old builds). [/list]