Alpha 1.01 released, Re-opened limited access, and Dev Livestream.


Join the hunts as 3-5 agents in this multiplayer Co-op & PVP about horror and deception. One of you will be possessed then become a ghost, and the others must survive the haunting!

Hello Agents, It's a bit late, but we're recently re-opened our Alpha demo for everyone during Steam Survival fest until August 8th. Several improvements are: [list] [*] Adding Quick Match [*] Adding voice talk features (Hold B to talk) [*] Adding WIP simplified Chinese subtitle [*] and some minor adjustments and improvement [/list] Also, we will host another Dev Livestream and AMA Session on our youtube channel ( at 2 PM UTC. Stay tuned! That being said, please share your experience with us! All critics and suggestions are very welcome! All the Best, Rachmad