All Has Meaning Update


Explore a 2.5D topdown cave world and craft powerful tools to conquer dangerous biomes, fight giant bosses and save a magical tree from enemy conquership. Experience the thrill of building, fishing, traveling via minecart and farming in this cool survival game.

Hello there, it's been 2 months, in this update I redid quite alot of things. To start, now there is a main storyline to the game. (no major spoilers) Carland our brave adventurer, Needs our help. You can now talk to Carland and he will guide you along The first few steps of the game, to help you get started. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43614279/09a4029f71f2bf7bb5363e636e062c6334e47d7d.png[/img] That means, we have npc's with dialogue, and choices to make! (although linear atm) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43614279/a212f9e9615f47d38dbd95d405388740255c4aef.png[/img] Since the entity re-write, now Carland can theoretically die. I didn't have enough time to make what allows the player to revive him. But he has alot of health, and I've never accidentally killed him... yet. (warning you will break progression if you kill him at the moment.) [*] Certain entities can get hungry and path towards tiles they find as food to prevent starvation. [*] Entities have a predator / prey sense that makes them target other things in the world and chase after or run away from them [*] Added item pedestals. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43614279/4953c37f113a4809f3d433e2321e8b1371324282.png[/img] They have one inventory slot and allow you to show off your cool items. [*] Split the world into processing chunks [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43614279/ee77e4728282e083343d7831082066cf72283229.png[/img] All entities in those bright red chunks are processed realtime. Anyone outside of those nearby chunks will be processed once per second. [*] We now have Tentacles!! [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43614279/5a9a9df6fbad86eaeea1f7f2af9afd73b1c2ae62.png[/img] [*] You can now kiss the fireflies! *blush* [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43614279/15e14cc21df71a2d035785f4be3aeba46630b27b.png[/img] [*] There is now a tier progression with tools Meaning that some blocks are just not breakable until you get the right tool. And now with the rest of the patch notes: [*] added bugs / insects. [*] fixed title screen buttons. [*] fixed crafting menu stuff. [*] finished the minimap's cluster position system. for use in entity and insect processing. [*] fixed character renderer to render items correctly and have various holding types for certain items. [*] progress on chat command autocomplete. [*] added collision detection to bugs/insects. [*] added the ability to catch bugs. Using a bug net. [*] fixed an inventory saving glitch. [*] fixed some positionings in the credits menu. [*] drew and added a ladybug item. [*] now we have Kinematicbody2D attached to each bug. that is spawned when inside the view. [*] bugs have friction so they don't slide around. [*] when they are offscreen their processing only happens once a second. (configurable) [*] they move entire tiles at a time when far enough away. [*] added a tile_overlay_animation node, for fire animation on torches. [*] added new setting to enable torch animation. (on by default) (might improve performance when off) [*] added new setting to enable lighting flickering. (on by default) (might improve performance when off) [*] moved a majority of the InvisiBug code to entity_visibility_manager. which manages all chunk loading related actions. [*] fixed reset button for the keyconfig in the options menu. [*] added movement_patterns to entities: - idle - wander - move_away_from_player - find_food [*] the movement_pattern's can now path find to tiles. [*] the bugs now have a hunger system attached to them. so they can get hungry. [*] when a bug gets hungry it will then scavenge for food nearby, then it will travel to the food and eat it. yum. [*] all movement patterns should work offscreen, very similarly to onscreen. [*] the pathfinding will now sometimes get into a situation where it fails. Then it will stop and rely on other wandering patterns to get unstuck, before trying again. (works alot of the time.) [*] disabled the old enemy spawner because the old slime entities were the laggiest thing in the game. [*] went through and changed all _mid_process to __process for benchmarking. [*] fixed healthbar to update only when changes are made. [*] fixed a few other objects that also had always_rendering behaviour. [*] insects now can find and eat each other. [*] made it so when bugs that want to duke it out. they will run towards each other and they will path find, when they can't get to each other. [*] added fog layer [*] added day and night cycle the holes in the ceiling will cast down light onto tiles below there are currently 4 time periods - dawn - day - dusk - night each time period has a different color transition. [*] entities can now have sleep schedules. and will sleep when time hits a certain period. currently they are fully un-interruptible and easily killed. [*] changed bug_manger to be called entity_manager and changed all the functions to work for entities. [*] added red slimes. [*] added fireflies. [*] separated text and the button nodes, so I can scale them independentally. [*] added science chamber walls. [*] added science chamber floors. [*] added a monster spawner. [*] added a new world generation type, in the world_creation's experimental tab, to generate a combat arena. [*] added flip_horizontal metadata for tiles. [*] added double door support. [*] added custom world generation settings. [*] added a tab_ui object. [*] fixed a bug that disallowed you to delete world files. and could possibly lead to world corruption. [*] monster spawner ui 99% done: - spawning time min / max - spawning per min / max - spawning max nearby amount - spawning offsets left/right/bottom/top - spawn now button - spawn visualizer graphic [*] now text nodes can have multiple line support. [*] monster spawner ui now allows to spawn a valid entity, when clicking the "spawn now" button [*] converted player sprites from animation frames to a sprite sheet. [*] made some export scripts in aseprite to, help get new animations into the game. [*] slime is now here, hi slime. [*] added a few slime animations. [*] added pathfinding boredom, makes enemies kinda leave if they try too much to get to a target. [*] idk if I did anything today (in the code) (<< good patch note) Actually lets see what I did that day : thinking : [*] I added a note to add a hotkey "R" (default) to sort inventories. [*] wrote down a bug that made some ui's not close upon player death. [*] made a way for entities that run away from the player. know the distance they are to the player. [*] fixed some offscreen entity movement inconsistencies. [*] added a fighting mechanic to offscreen entities, duking it out. [*] added a knockback cooldown to entities. [*] setup area collision handling for entities. [*] worked on reworking the character/world selection screen, but its still WIP. ok, now back to the patch notes I wrote down specifically: [*] fixed a memory leak issue with sound playing. [*] re-added Carland. [*] Carland can now die. D: [*] gibs and gore were added. (toggle-able with gore option) [*] now each entity has their own minimap marker when debugging. (and for other reasons) [*] drew a few entity-based spawner items: [*] red slime [*] The Slime King [*] Carland [*] firefly [*] ladybug [*] entities can now play sounds when they do actions, wow. [*] re-added entity loot tables. (normal death and rare drops) [*] fixed minimap_marker entity tracking bug. [*] added custom collision data to entities. [*] changed all collision spawning to use integers instead of string comparisons. [*] added way to kill an entire species of animals. yay. [*] now I can specify the collision size and offset for any entity. [*] The Slime King has a larger collision now. [*] the red slime has a proper collision now. [*] fixed a bug where killing an enemy would sometimes not remove the waypoint marker. [*] collision debug drawing now draws ontop of the entity. (so its visible) [*] loot tables now have and auto loot drops. [*] entities now have a global rendering offset. [*] added `/kill entity_type` command (needs cheats to be enabled) [*] optimized the tile collision handler [*] added item_drops. (for the 12th time) [*] added object category to the entity_manager. (things like minecarts) [*] added more customization to hit boxes and detection fields. [*] added demo version text. (for the demo version of the game) [*] added dialogue to certain npc's. [*] added metadata to entities. (currently used for Carland's questing) [*] added entity mouse support. (you can now right-click Carland) - you will also click the furthest down the screen entity. - and if a container/chest is in the way, it will be clicked first. - and this will also disable you from placing blocks. [*] added chat log. [*] new chat messages will not open the full chat. Just the new message. [*] chat log animation. [*] reorganized sprite_loading_data to accept json-like groups. [*] drew cursor_talk.png for npc talking. [*] setting can_talk to any entity will make the area trigger, check for mouse interception, and then change the mouse cursor to cursor_talk. and allow for activated_talk() function to code in dialogue. [*] can_talk collision triggers work with rectangle and circle shapes. (although the circle just asks like a rectangle atm) [*] /kill [enemies / npcs / fish / item_drops / bugs] command now fully implemented. (cheats need to be enabled.) [*] Carland's collision and trigger have been customized. [*] character_renderer's now have debug_info string that will display a string above the character for debugging. [*] shift + insert now mimics ctrl + v in textboxes by default. [*] added screenshake to The Slime King boss. (when he impacts the ground) [*] The Slime King will drop a chest with, appropriate quest-related loot inside. [*] collision_spawner now has radius_vec which allows for x,y instead of just radius. for oblong creatures. [*] collision_spawner parameters per entity are now available. [*] fixed event_handlers, now they are created alongside brain. (so things can happen offscreen) [*] added tutorial sprite to the "hand crafting tab" in main inventory. [*] added tooltip support to textboxes. [*] added `Sort Target Inventory` command to any sortable window. (default middle_mouse_button) [*] converted sprite workflow for all living creatures, now I use a spritesheets. [*] added `hair behind` layer to character_renderer. so we can have longer hair style choices. [*] drew 4 more hairstyles. (still WIP) [*] re-added boss healthbars to boss creatures. [*] added leaf particles to the Magical Tree. [*] added more translation support to tooltips. [*] added a rat. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43614279/075c324123bf7e0a250368e463336c59aaf90af2.png[/img] (maybe someday the rat will work) [*] improved Item Drop existing performance by 1 billion times fold. [*] world_generation trees and plants now grow upon entering world. [*] npc's can path through doors, when offscreen. [*] when planting seeds, they will randomly choose a horizontal_flip to render as. [*] right clicking with items that have continuous behaviour: (hoes) will now be able to open doors and only do so on the first right click action. [*] added ui_layout and ui_window_builder to allow, for easy creation of ui elements in windows. [*] added horizontal and vertical centering to the button/text/image_scroller nodes for window centering. [*] added main_scrollbar for ui_windows, it will attempt to scroll the content inside the window. (when using ui_window_builder it should be setup automatically) [*] added last typed key to controller node. [*] redid the textbox node, now it supports multi-lines. [*] added entity health regeneration. [*] fixed max_health on entities. [*] added different dialogue path for Carland. [*] few bug fixes with dialogue box. (now its centered) [*] crafting items will be hidden until you've learned their recipes. [*] added a quest menu, for tracking active quests. [*] reworked the minimap window. [*] Carland now screams at you. [*] entities now load their ID's properly so no more ghost entities / unkillable entities. [*] shift + click has been re-added. [*] boss healthbars now show up when close enough, and definitely doesn't break. [*] combat now doesn't miss inputs. [*] entities now can have attack patterns. [*] Slime King has 4 attack patterns. [*] fixed certain quest items that cannot be trashed, to actually not be able to be trashed. [*] added a Wooden Bed, Right Click to respawn next to it after death. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43614279/cd0b5b89f17b66c7a86d3a2f858eef284b4341ca.png[/img] [*] fixed some issues with multi-tiles and selecting them. [*] added tooltip to buffs / debuffs. (there is a bug still with tooltips that have timers inside the text) [*] added a ton of dialogue to Carland. [*] made certain tiles impossible to break if there is a un-harvestable ore inside them. [*] added a quest_log item. [*] added a questline tutorial provided by the lovely Carland. [*] fixed ability to have translations on items. [*] fixed visual glitch with tile selector. [*] added wood supply to areas other than the spawnpoint. [*] fixed a graphical bug with tiles rendering tile shadows. [*] fixed a duplication bug with the crafting menu. [*] added alot of QOL tooltips and graphical changes to the crafting menu. [*] fixed the cooking pot. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43614279/a65313f8a18dc699e43d27664ed1f91fe040a0be.png[/img] [*] fixed the hitbox on npc's, now its harder to hurt them on accident. and you can still talk to them easily. [*] fixed some tiles onscreen not loading their sprites correctly. [*] you can now name your world whatever you'd like. (probably) [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43614279/529c840cdfd6227cbb261df038e3fbd1b54c7c21.png[/img] [*] added dialogue pause text effect. [*] patched up Carland's dialogue for ore progression. [*] added wooden pedestal tiles, to display all your items. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/43614279/3e3ed266a631e6d2d15a37c5e697bbae37c3578a.png[/img] [*] fixed world generation to now - swap tin and copper - removed the slime_treasure_room alpha structure. - made sure slime_king_arena spawns in an accessible location. - removed all debug things on the minimap. - removed some dev chests in the cheese biome. [*] entities can now enable their minimap marker tracking. (Carland is on the map after introduction) [*] fixed some base damage with The Slime King. [*] added translate-able names/descriptions/lores to 77 items so far. Wow that was alot, maybe too much, should probably update to steam more often. Anyways, hope with each update we get closer to a game that is fully playable I feel like technically we are there, but still a few more things will need to be finished first. (idk what those are yet I'm not a wizard) Have fun playing, be sure to report any bug you find when you can.