Achievement Bugfix (Again), Translation Update!

Your Dry Delight

Set in 1920s Prohibition-era America, this romantic comedy follows Detective Richter and his adventures as he attempts to unravel Cleveland's liquor industry.

[h2]Achievements Fixed--Again![/h2] After our update in December, there was a new different issue with achievements that arose. (They seem to hate us, for whatever reason.) However, these should now be fixed! If you already completed the game and did not get them, please reinstall and delete your save/persistent files. Should you continue to not receive any achievements, please email us at [b][/b] [h2]Translations[/h2] Thanks to the efforts of some amazing fans, we've got several translations available for YDD now, if you haven't seen them yet! Current translations available are: [list][*] French [*] Russian [*] Simplified Chinese[/list] We are in talks to potentially be adding [b]a Spanish translation[/b] in the future, so keep an eye out!