ACE Update v0.6 Notes and Announcement

ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution

The world’s first MOSA (Multiplayer Online Sports Arena) is now available on Steam Early Access!

After one month of receiving valuable feedback from the community, we have identified many, many improvements that need to be done to bring ACE to next level. [u]Some of these changes are massive and require many weeks of work.[/u] We have been releasing updates on a weekly basis, but this is quite time-consuming and affects the quality of the work being done on the aforementioned massive changes. The next Steam push is planned for end of October and we are more than determined to make it count. Hence we have decided to interrupt weekly updates so we can fully concentrate on these core improvements and really make a meaningful push! See you soon... on dedicated servers! P.S. If you are interested in seeing and testing the daily updates to ACE, follow the instructions here: Patch notes v0.6 --------------------------------------------- - Created ''Caster Mode'' for this weekend's tournament - Fixed invite feature Cheers, Simon