ACE Global Update - 31/03/2016 Patch Notes

ACE - Arena: Cyber Evolution

The world’s first MOSA (Multiplayer Online Sports Arena) is now available on Steam Early Access!

Before anything we'd like to thank all of you for the great support during the past 4 months of development, regarding features feedback and bug reporting. [h1]Features development[/h1] [b]Front end[/b] [list][*][b]A brand new UI!![/b] [*][b]Deeper statistics:[/b] available in your profile and the Stats section. [*][b]Custom games:[/b] a brand new system to play against other player replacing the "Party versus Party" flow. 4 custom game modes are available: [list][*]Normal games [*]Ranked games [*]1 Runner only [*]Training[/list] [*][b]Streaming/Event notification:[/b] an alert button to promote our event and our awesome streamers! [*][b]Multiple chat system:[/b] a better chat system with region, game room and team restrictions. [*][b]Customizable controls:[/b] new settings option to customize your inputs and mouse sensitivity. [*][b]Aftermatch board:[/b] a leaderboard to have an overview of your stats after each game.[/list] [b]In Game[/b] [*][b]Camera FOV option:[/b] an option available in video setting to have a FOV zoom on the mouse wheel. [*][b]Replay feature:[/b] an option available in Custom games to have a replay on goals scored. [*][b]Quick ingame chat:[/b] Use keys 1 to 4 to communicate with your team during the game. [*][b]Cheating counter-measures.[/b][/list] [h1]Bug fixing and tweaks[/h1] [list][*]Priority on spawn in the center of the net zone for goalies. [*]Trajectory compensation tweaking. [*]Grab issues solving. [*]Team feedback on Hiro's secondary (power only seen by allies). [*]Hiro's secondary + Negociator are now working when moving forward. [*]Lag icon should be properly displayed. [*]Claw Indicator has been fixed. [*]Post and net collision on hiro's ult have been improved. [*]Hiro's and Sentinel's ult no longer can have weird orientation. [*]Stalker, Hikari and Negociator teleport exploit have been solved. [*]Repulsion when stealing the puck should work properly. [*]Pillar pack discount description have been updated to match the way it works. [*]Drone abuse have been removed. [*]Synergic Speed implant has been fix. [*]Direction change Claw has been made more powerful. [*]Speed Boost implant has been removed.[/list]