Underground Defense Force -Sword and Sorcery and Swarm of Insects-

Swarms of giant insects has appeared in the underground world "Agartha"! Defeat swarms of mutated insect monsters with multicast weapons/spells by your own party of customized characters! This is a casual turn-based tactical RPG with a focus on exhilaration and hack-and-slash system.

[list] [*]Modified the NPC's AI algorithm so that friendly-fireable weapons/magics are used even when there are only ally units around. [/list] This update only affects the AI algorithm of the NPC Mage Infantly who uses the suicide spell "Manner Mode α" in the Mission 13 "Recital of Mana". Until v1.12, it was possible to stop him from using "Manner Mode α" by defeating all insects around him. From v1.13, even if there are only allies around him (even if it only hits himself!!), he has become an extremely dangerous presence that will "self-destruct" without any questions asked! "I'M GOING TO DIE ANYWAY! YOU ARE ALL GOING WITH ME!" "I'M NOT AFRAID! I'VE GOT NOTHING LEFT TO LOOOOOSE!!" What? You really want to stop him from blowing himself up? For those of you who do, I recommend a method also known in the homaged original game (= "Ea*th Defense Force" series), "Mine-Uchi"! (= Killing NPCs before they do anything inconvenient...)