A new update will come soon


Explore mysterious lands after a magical storm strands you on the shore of Vanaheim. Seek out help from the gods inspired by Norse Mythology in a Singleplayer Combat-Free Adventure-Puzzle Game. A game about helping each other, Kari is developed by students from BUas.

The next big update is coming soon. Maybe you have noticed that the steam pages show achievements? Yes, it's right the next content update will bring achievements! The update will also address the major feedback points we have gotten from the community. This update will generally enhance the playability of our game as well as the stability. We have also polished the set dressing and added more audio feedback. If you have not tested our game here are the first 16 minutes of gameplay [previewyoutube=hWy5qo1IDCM;full][/previewyoutube]