Patch Notes version 1.0.191339.46


Explore mysterious lands after a magical storm strands you on the shore of Vanaheim. Seek out help from the gods inspired by Norse Mythology in a Singleplayer Combat-Free Adventure-Puzzle Game. A game about helping each other, Kari is developed by students from BUas.

[i][b]Notice[/b][/i]: Since we are in active development during beta we sometimes make changes that are incompatible with the previous version of the game invalidating your save file. [h2]Additonal Areas[/h2] The first area we've added takes Kari North and high up into the mountains that belong to Uller, the one who started it all. Manoeuvre your way over and around sheer cliffs, meet the forge masters of Kliftoft, and make your way through the inhospitable lands that Uller rules. The second area takes you to a place long abandoned, but not quite forgotten. On the Ancient Battlefield of a time where Gods faced off against each other, Kari shall have to find her way around the everlasting effects of this struggle, meet the nomadic Valkans, and face several divine entities such as Mimir and the menacing Lorelei. [h2]General changes[/h2] [list] [*] Updated textures [*] Updated lighting [*] Updated NPC location in Noathun [*] Updated wisp AI [*] Visual update Noathun [*] Visual update gates [*] Visual update water [*] Visual update Njord [*] Visual update Munnin [*] Visual update clouds [*] Additional animations [*] Additional post-processing [*] Additional VFX [*] Additional audio [*] Additional quests [*] Additional UI [*] Additional shrines [*] Additional dialogue [*] Added backdrops [*] Added rune crafting [*] Added saving icon when saving [*] Added separate bag for magical items [*] Added credits [*] Improved controller support [/list] [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Tons of small bug fixes [*] Tons of audio bugs [*] Items can no longer be duplicated [*] Kari can no longer turn invincible [*] Kari can no longer glide when falling [*] Kari can no longer get stuck [*] Fixed softlock in coast level [*] Fixed softlock in forest level [*] Fixed softlock in Noathun [*] Fixed dialogue spam crash [*] Fixed animation cancels [*] No more clipping water [*] The game stops playing audio when no longer in focus [*] Disabled window resizing in windowed mode [/list]