Patch Notes 1.0.192595.55


Explore mysterious lands after a magical storm strands you on the shore of Vanaheim. Seek out help from the gods inspired by Norse Mythology in a Singleplayer Combat-Free Adventure-Puzzle Game. A game about helping each other, Kari is developed by students from BUas.

[b][i]Notice[/i][/b]: Since we are in active development during beta we sometimes make changes that are incompatible with the previous version of the game invalidating your save file. [h2]General changes[/h2] [list] [*] Updated Credits [*] Updated location of Astrid and Alaric in Kliftoft [*] Updated the sungate placement to be more visible [*] Visual Update Njord Domain [*] Visual Updated Freya [*] Visual Update Forest House [*] Visual Update Njord pound [*] Visual Update Kari's animation [*] Added Quit option in Pause Menu [*] Added Rune reward for Olin's Quest "A kind of magic" [/list] [h2]Bug fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Unnecessary blocking volume in forest [*] Invisible damage zone [*] Lorelei no longer sings at night [*] Freezing when menu focus [*] Sungates now save/load correctly [*] Fixed crash causes by particles used in items [*] Fixed Uller gate bypass [*] Tutorial now displays properly when starting a new game [*] Player no longer can get more than one cloak [*] Player no longer can get more than one keel [*] Player no longer can get more than one blessing of frey [*] Ullers dialogue no longer soft locks the game [*] "A Search for a mast" can now be completed successfully [*] Tons of small UI bugs [*] Tons of small bug fixes [*] General typo corrections [/list]