A huge update incoming! Make sure to backup properly.

Touhou Blooming Chaos 2

Touhou Blooming Chaos 2 is an brand new rogue shooter where you control a character of a varied cast to explore an all randomized labyrinth. Enjoy the excessive fun of reaping enemies and character training. With balanced difficulty, you can always find your place as either beginner or veteran!

The next update will be mainly about gamepad adaption, and some important adjustment on the data structure. We've done several tests, but some problems unpredictable can always occur. We highly recommend everyone to backup savefiles and await for the update, for the least loss. [h2]To Backup Your Savefiles:[/h2] Enter the installation directory, select the [b]SavaData[/b] folder, make a copy of it and store it somewhere else. To Locate the Installation Directory [olist] [*]Find Touhou Blooming Chaos 2 in your Steam's LIBRARY. [*]Right-click on the game's title. [*]Select Properties... [*]Select LOCAL FILES. [*]Select BROWSE LOCAL FILES... [/olist] Doing all of these leads you to the installation directory, where the SavaData folder is located.