18/08/2021 Game Update (v 1.0.469)

Eldest Souls

Fast-paced and brutally challenging, Eldest Souls is a unique Soulslike experience. In a final act of vengeance, the Old Gods have unleashed a great Desolation upon the world. Mankind's only hope lies with a lone warrior… and his greatsword of pure Obsydian.

[h3][i]Hello! As part of our ongoing dev, today we push a hotfix to resolve the hidden resolution options reported on certain combinations of monitors / refresh rates.[/i][/h3] [h1]--- 1.0.469 Update ---[/h1] [h2]Fixes and QoL --- [/h2] [list] [*]Fixed an issue that would hide some resolution options on certain combinations of monitors / refresh rates. [/list]