106th Anniversary

Titanic VR

Witness the sinking of RMS Titanic. Explore the shipwreck. Titanic VR is a diving simulator and immersive interactive story. With over 6 hours of game-play Titanic VR you will leave with a greater understanding of the historic tragedy that unfolded in 1912.

Tragically today, April 14th, 2018 marks the 106th anniversary of the sinking of RMS Titanic. https://youtu.be/BGPODre2V7w Since our update last month the team have been working solidly on the recreation of the events of that fateful night 106 years ago as seen by those who witnessed the sinking of RMS Titanic from Lifeboat 6. To mark the significance of this anniversary weekend, we’d like to share with you a small snippet what we’ve been up to. Please note that the video above is not representative of the final product and will be tweaked significantly before launch. We still have multiple passes to complete on lighting, textures and sound effects. The above water section is extremely animation heavy and we are now getting to a stage where we are starting our second pass on animation and finalizing all assets. Also from our previous update the stern shipwreck section is almost complete and we are now implementing final audio and game play. To give guys a taste of the level of detail going into our assets please see the following https://imgur.com/a/rzHMf As always, our team are plain sailing through their work and are truly appreciative of your support. Team @Titanic VR