Keysight is a real-time MIDI visualization platform powered by Unreal Engine, built for piano-focused streamers and content creators, and featuring unmatched customization!
Hello! We are now at the 5th update past "the final update" and counting, but here we go...
While making some of my own content, I ran into some annoyances with Keysight and decided to fix them. Without further ado, here is the changelog:
Added a preset search function (only took 4 years)
Added function to auto-focus the selected preset when the selected preset is changed
Added support for render resolutions above 4096x4096 pixels. I strongly recommend not doing this though, Keysight is liable to crash!
Added blending mode support to Light Bar Wisp and Plasma objects, allowing "Normal" blending mode. This allows for dark or black Wisps and Plasma
--- CHANGES ---
Changed "Midi" tab to be "MIDI", since it [i]is[/i] an acronym and not a word (hugely important, I know)
Changed preset scroll bar scrolling to be smoothly animated
Changed all file pickers for image importing to show all files, and just block non-supported image files. Should streamline the experience of using non-default file types (such as a jpg on Pulses which expect a png)
Changed all materials to render "two-sided"
Changed Reflections on Note Objects that use the static rotation mode to rotate 180 degrees if the note is realtime. Functionally this means if you rotate Reflections and pan them such that they follow Note Object movement, this persists even if you change the direction of note travel, making presets a bit more shareable!
--- BUG FIXES ---
Fixed materials in "Transparent" mode not showing texture options when emissive colour is set to "Texture" but masking is not enabled
Fixed "Cancel render" button tooltip being wrong
Fixed unbinding from a MIDI device failing to properly release that device, causing it to be unusable in other programs (or Keysight, if you try to bind to it again). This fix brought to you by: "some tiny one-line comment at the bottom of a forum post" and it has eluded me for 4+ years!
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Happy Keysighting! <3