1.6.0a available on beta branch!


Keysight is a real-time MIDI visualization platform powered by Unreal Engine, built for piano-focused streamers and content creators, and featuring unmatched customization!

Hey folks! It's been a while! Keysight version 1.6.1 is very close to completion, but before working on the last piece of the puzzle I wanted to give public access to some important bugfixes through the beta branch. This is [b]Windows-only for now[/b], but the full 1.6.1 release will be out soon for both Windows and MacOS, with... *drumroll* native preset import/export to allow easy custom preset sharing! Full changelog for 1.6.0a, since it's quite small: --- SMALL ADDITIONS --- Added some useful links to the main menu list Added text explaining the mysterious text input box under the pitch bend semi-tone displacement slider Added message to screen after closing setup wizard to inform new users that Escape opens the menu Added a "flat midi velocity" mode to Core > Simulation. While in this mode, both note-on and note-off velocity can be explicitly specified and all notes will use these velocities instead of their original velocities Added a global brightness modifier for scene lights, allowing easy raising and lowering of brightness in a scene with lots of lights Added reflection colour multiplication modes: Emissive/Static/None. This allows a reflection image to be selectively multiplied by either the object's emissive colour (colour settings or texture), a static defined colour or just display as-is. Incredibly niche usage, but removes a limitation if trying to achieve very specific reflection implementation Added a flag to particle systems to flip all Y axis effects, including location. This allows easy snapping of an existing system to the top of the active area; especially useful when combined with auto-release and time offsets to match when note objects interact with the top of the active area --- CHANGES --- Changed setup wizard final page layout to have guide/Discord buttons immediately below the text saying that they exist Changed main menu close menu section spacing to give slightly more room to the main tabs Changed and improved alignment image dropdown and selection in manual camera mode. Now has aspect ratio warning and a useful add-image button to bring it in line with other image pickers --- BUG FIXES --- Fixed midi culling being completely absent, whoops! Fixed pitch bending being completely broken, also whoops! Fixed demo mode not spawning non-note-object effects in top-down mode Fixed material picker not updating mask display when using the new + button to add a custom texture Fixed custom frame and output directory selection resetting on each Keysight launch Fixed keypress advanced materials not correctly displaying reflections Fixed pre-copy object pasting causing unwanted information errors (like the message that says "if you see this, tell Eggly he's a bum") Fixed rare edge case where loading with a system settings file pointing to an invalid preset index would cause a broken preset until a preset switch is manually called