1.17 Release Candidate 4

Pixel Composer

A Node-based pixel art generator, editor, and VFX compositor. Create beautiful and complex effects in a non-destructive manner. Pixel Composer comes with a powerful graph system that supports multiple image manipulation, feedback effects, loop, physics, and fluid simulation.

[h2]Node[/h2] [list] [*] [noparse][Canvas] Add Ctrl+Shift+V to paste the selection at the same position.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Canvas] Hold Shift while applying the node tool to replace the surface instead of drawing on top.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Tunnel in/out] Change appearance.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Tunnel in/out] Name value is now populated with a random value.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Tunnel out] Add autocomplete.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Outline] Improve anti-aliasing mode.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Replace Colors] Add palette sorting.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Replace Colors] Using the color picker (CTRL) on a preview panel, will now highlight the corresponding color in the inspector.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Replace Colors] Add the ability to change multiple colors at once.[/noparse] [/list] [h2]Bugs[/h2] [list] [*] Fix freezing with invalid window size. [*] [noparse][PCX] Fix nest array evaluation error.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Preview Panel] Fix right-side toolbar overlap with preview content.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Preview Panel] Fix text overlay position not updating when not previewing any node.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Preview Panel] Fix the error when previewing atlas.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Inspector Panel] Fix color picker appears when holding ALT while dragging a slider.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Graph Panel] Fix crash when previewing buffer array.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Path Array Editor] Fix adding images not updating node automatically.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][WAV File In] Add more format checkers.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Canvas] Fix custom surface brush drawn incorrectly.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Canvas] Draw inside mode now also includes alpha channel.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Canvas] Fix selecting an invalid node with the node tool causing the node to lock up.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Canvas] Fix curve tools undoing.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Canvas] Fix some problems with undoing.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Erode] Fix width value off by 1.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Pin] Fix connection to pin is not connectable.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Scatter] Fix error on map mode.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Group] Fix error when changing display type.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Group] Fix crashes when opening the output editor.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Array Sort] Fix calculation error.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Palette to Gradient] None interpolation type now shifts the last keyframe back to include all colors.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Loop] Fix iteration off by 1.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Surface Extrude] Fix the error with an empty surface.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Line] Fix the line not drawn to the end of the path.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Brdge Path] Fix output incorrectly when connecting to line node.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Blend] Fix error with atlas foreground.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Particle] Fix error with atlas particle.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Feedback] Fix inline feedback not working.[/noparse] [/list]