is now on stable

Pixel Composer

A Node-based pixel art generator, editor, and VFX compositor. Create beautiful and complex effects in a non-destructive manner. Pixel Composer comes with a powerful graph system that supports multiple image manipulation, feedback effects, loop, physics, and fluid simulation. Is now updated to the stable branch. While there are some new features, the point of this update is to patch some critical bugs in 1.17. The new features listed here (mainly the palette mixer) aren't fully implemented yet and should be treated as beta. [list] [*] Color, Palette, and canvas nodes now use global color. [/list] [h2]Interface[/h2] [list] [*] Loading the already opened project will close the current project and refresh the file. [*] New file explorer panel [*] New Histogram panel [*] Add version number in the crash report. [*] [noparse][Color selector] Improve color selector appearance.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Color Panel] Improve UI visibility.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Color Panel] Add an option to disable the alpha, palette.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Color Panel] Add hexadecimal value display.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Preview Panel] Increase maximum zoom to x1024.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Graph Panel] Dragging a junction from a node inside an inline group will create a new node inside the same group.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Graph Panel] You can now connect junctions of the same IO type (output to output, input to input) to transfer the connection from one junction to another.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Graph Panel] Ungrouping the node now centers the ungrouped nodes around the original group.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Inspector Panel] Add the ability to copy color hex code directly.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Inspector Panel] Improve palette and gradient widget.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Animation] Hold alt while scrubbing the timeline to use a decimal frame.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Add node, palette panel] Use Ctrl + Scroll to resize the item.[/noparse] [/list] [h2]Node[/h2] [list] [*] New Directory Search node. [*] New Array split node. [*] New Normalize node. [*] New Cross section node. [*] New Atlas to struct node. [*] Bilinear, Bicubic, and radsin interpolation now apply alpha compensation to reduce dark edges when blending with an empty pixel. [*] Add node annotation. [*] All seed values now come with a randomize button. [*] Collection-based loop is deprecated, inline loop is now the default way to loop values. [*] Dynamic input nodes now use dummy junctions for adding new data. [*] [noparse][Supporter] New Pentagonal tile node.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Glow] Add inner mode.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Outline] Add angle filter (works best with widths 0 and 1).[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Lua] Lua error now shows up as a notification.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][3D] The Rotation tool will now be disabled in the Euler unit.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Dither] Add noise mode.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Dither] Add auto palette option.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Path builder] Now accept path anchor input (it doesn't before, huh).[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Posterize] Improve auto palette algorithm.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Equation] Now require explicit variable amount set up.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][JSON IO] Remove the ability to build, and read specific keys.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Shape] Add diamond, trapezoid, parallelogram shapes.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Particle, VFX] Add animation stretch setting.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Curve] Add alpha curve.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Path] Now use linear interpolation for segments without control points.[/noparse] [/list] [h2]Bugs[/h2] [list] [*] Project settings now persisted between sessions. [*] Fix reset value not working with palette data. [*] Fix undoing ungroup operation causes the deleted node to not reappear. [*] Fix resetting value directly edit default value (which will cause an error on the subsequence reset). [*] Fix duplicating nodes only do shallow copy. [*] [noparse][Graph Panel] Fix auto connection connect wrong junctions.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Graph Panel] Fix crash when distributing nodes vertically.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Inspector Panel] Fix flashing when clicking on the color button.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][History Panel] Fix panel resize error.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Menu Items] Now show Hotkey as a box.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Canvas, Palette] Fix color comparison error.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Replace Colors] Fix crash, error with color dropper.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Image Node] Fix error when uploading a spliced image.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][3D Camera] Fix the camera object not showing up without input.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Struct] Fix keys overlapping each other.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Cellular Noise] Fix radial options show up in the wrong pattern.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Dither] Fix custom texture gives inaccurate results.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Atlas set] Fix error on update.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Posterize] Fix output becomes too dark.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][ASE File In] Fix tag display, and interaction.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][ASE File In] Fix crashes when auto-updating the file.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Render Spritesheet] Fix crashes when previewing atlas data in animation mode.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Render Spritesheet] Fix the error in sprite array mode.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Composite] Fix error when previewing nested surface array.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Lua Compute, surface] Fix variable type does not apply to the junction.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Lua nodes] Fix error when redoing node deletion.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Smooth Path] Fix error on render.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Struct, Switch] Fix junction not removing when undoing.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Particle, VFX] Fix rotation revert back when setting to negative degree.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][ASE File In] Fix tag display error.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Export] Fix crash on creation.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Canvas] Fix preview badge showing when the node is not being previewed.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Canvas] Fix holding shift + ctrl disable mouse click.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Area] Fix padding mode glitch in fractional mode.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][ASE File In] Fix tag display error.[/noparse] [*] [noparse][Export] Fix crash on creation.[/noparse] [/list] [h2]Addon[/h2] [list] [*] Fix some functions crash when returning nil. [/list]