1.1 in progress

Ortharion project

Come discover the world of Ortharion! Improve your character by collecting many spells of different qualities in order to defeat your opponents or by discovering many secrets, with puzzles and parkour.

Version 1.1 has been in progress for almost a month now and a lot of work remains to be done, [b]1.1 will be after February, probably end of March[/b]. Here's a preview of what you'll see: [h3]New visuals and new lights[/h3] I am using a new version of software and rendering, allowing to improve performance, use more assets that were not compatible with the versions and renderings that I was using before, but all of the renderings had to be redone for the game, asking me a lot of work but which should save me later, because less bugs on my software, less compilation time for debugs, less problems technical because easier to use, it should also allow access to visual rendering options. [h3]Change on terrain[/h3] Procedural dungeons have been removed, leaving room for non-procedural areas, areas are larger, with new rooms, old rooms have been upgraded, shadows have been improved, there will be no more enemies under the ground nor inactive enemy, with a great performance improvement on the graphics card. [h1]Adventurer missions[/h1] A new terrain is available, designed for a new game mode: Adventurer missions, you will have missions promoting the creation of certain builds, with a dedicated progression system. This is what this new terrain looks like, with the new light rendering due to the version change: [url=https://ibb.co/VDZbqDj][img]https://i.ibb.co/zbYC4bn/Nouveau-terrain-1-1.png[/img][/url] The missions currently under test are: [list] [*] Kill a maximum of enemies in 5 minutes. [*] Destroy structures defended by enemies. [*] Protect structure. [*] Protect turrets. [/list] The more you perform, the more you will be rewarded. These 4 categories don't stop there, enemies can have behavior modifiers such as only attacking structures, turrets can benefit from your healing and aura enhancement, areas to protect can be scattered around the map , the higher your level of adventurer, the more it will be necessary to specialize. [h1]Various improvement[/h1] In addition to these three main changes which are already finished many other changes will emerge, thank you to everyone who gave me their feedback on the Steam Community. Here is a list of some changes that I wanted to share with you but the list doesn't end there: [list] [*] A new NPC, create the equipment of your dreams, the more the number of specifical stats you want, the more the amount requested will be. [*] The Rune Vendor will sell you runes you don't have, depending on the rarity you want. [*] The Scroll Vendor may sell you random scrolls specific to your class, or one of your evolutions. [*] Unlocking a new class will give you the spells corresponding to the class. [*] Added specific Lightning, Nature, and Physical talent and other one. [*] Have the possibility to withdraw talent points. [*] New consumables, such as increased item level or repaired durability. [*] Have blocking-based builds, with an "unblockable / blockable" character state, added shield category with very fast small shields wich can block less damage, and slower shields wich can block more damage . [*] Having builds based on the energy shield, therefore with a character state "on recharge / recharged" bringing new possibilities. [*] New mana management: A stable state that you already know, a "out of mana" state and finally an "overload" state where your mana overflows you and increases less easily. [/list] As explained above this is only a part of the new content, new legendary runes, spells and gear will also be added. On top of that I have a [b]list of 85 quality of life / bugs / changes to make[/b] the game more polish than it is currently. Have fun