1.1.9 is live!


Pinkman is a fast-paced, action platformer about a lost man with pink skin and an incredible skill to fart.

[img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/27463369/9e9da69a88e249714f71ac870ae23083d7f18d5c.gif[/img] Hi, everyone! It’s been a long time since the last update (a year and half, i guess) which is totally understandable since Pinkman is technically a complete game. But, recently i had a few problems with another developer who noticed some similarities between the main character animations on Pinkman and the main character animations on his game, so to avoid any future problems i decided to redesign every Pinkman animation and also fix/adjust a few things in the game. Here’s a list of every change i made: Patch notes 1.1.9 [list] [*]Every animation for the main character was redesigned from the ground up. [*]A bug that allowed the fart meter to reach negative values and display itself incorrectly is fixed. [*]The grammar of every in-game tutorial were checked and corrected when necessary. [*]Almost every title screen phrases were rewritten just to keep things fresh. [/list]