Pinkman is a fast-paced, action platformer about a lost man with pink skin and an incredible skill to fart.
Hi, everyone! This is a little update to fix some bugs and optimize the code.
Today i saw a discussion saying that the fart mechanic was not working how it should in 144hz monitors, it was because the fart mechanic was frame rate dependent, but now i used delta time and everything is working just fine. Thanks to Chewyy for helping me to test the game. :pinkneonheart:
And i optimized the code a bit, nothing that will drastically improve the performance, just for good pratice.
I also added some new random phrases to the intro screen.
One more thing! Haha. I didn't even knew that Steam have this kind of community for each game, i found it by accident today. But i already responded to every discussion and subscribed to get notificated when a new discussion is made.