1.0.9 Patch Released

First Contact

Strange radio bursts have been detected! Embark on an immersive adventure as you analyze radio signals coming from space, decipher hidden messages, symbols, sounds, and translate alien languages. Follow an engaging story with countless dialogues and game-changing choices.

First patch released for First Contact ːsteamhappyː Fixes two minor issues: - Improvements to the military march music ːcozyroeː - Game story minor fix at mid-game ːsteamsaltyː [img]https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/772867190377749464/D9E058A6FD0755D68C90ED8A4619F71A06C6FBFC/[/img] If you encounter any issues with this version, please let us know! Eis Interactive