0.8.8 QoL Update: Food Restrictions and more!

Ark of Charon

Build a mobile fortress on the back of a giant and mysterious walking Tree and embark on a journey in this merge of tower defense and colony simulation.

Hello hello. We've got a new update up today! Mostly QoL features and bug fixes, but there's some interesting things there. First off, finally we have a food restriction features. Thank you to everyone who's requested this! Also, we've decided to let you do something interesting...you can now actually choose to go back left on the World Map! Only in Normal Mode for now. Please let us know how you feel about this new feature, and how it affected the game for you. And another one that's important but a little less glamorous...we've got a fix in for performance issues that can start from around mid-game, that should be quite effective! We'll keep working on this though. If you were having trouble with slow performance and this update didn't help things at all, please let us know. Oh, and thank you so much to everyone who has participated in our Player Survey so far! Please note that all the changes in today's update were decided on prior to the survey. And if you haven't done the survey yet, and feel up for it, please do! [url=https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2827810/view/4578560647861436200]https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/2827810/view/4578560647861436200[/url] Here's the patch notes: [h3]New Features[/h3] [list] [*]Added a meal restriction function. You can now prioritize or ban specific meals for each Golem. [*]In Normal Mode, you can now move leftwards on the World Map. [*]Changed the sizes of two types of titanium rooms. The size of existing built rooms in saved data will remain unchanged. [*]Added a Tutorial Notes feature to the pause menu. You can now review all tutorial content there. [/list] [h3]Feature Updates[/h3] [list] [*]Changed the priority so that Golems doing priority commands will still eat when they are hungry. [*]When in a certain command mode, information was added to appear near the mouse cursor to indicate the current mode. [*]Added supplementary explanations to each filter UI. [*]Added tooltips to each UI, which can be toggled on or off in the Options menu. [*]Enabled camera movement by moving the mouse cursor to the edge of the screen. This feature can be toggled on or off from the options. [*]When there is an targeted location or characters regarding an event that occured within the colony are displayed, you can now click on the message to move the camera to them. [*]Added crop descriptions when setting up agricultural zones. [*]Now shows the size of the area being dragged when issuing mining commands. [/list] [h3]Balance Adjustments / Bug Fixes / Others[/h3] [list] [*]Added an additional animation that plays after the opening movie. This is only shown during a new game. [*]Adjusted the combat balance in Roguelike Mode. [*]Changed the final boss’s specific attack behavior so it can now be blocked by defensive facility barriers. [*]Optimized the game, especially in the mid-to-late stages. We will continue to optimize. [*]Adjusted the UI layout to improve visibility. [*]Updated the tutorial videos. [*]Added durability information to weapon descriptions. [*]Made various other minor fixes and adjustments. [/list] Thank you!