This is a turn-based historical chess simulation game Players will experience major battles between 1840 and 1920 The game consists of four conquest scripts, each with three different modes and 60 free conquest years to choose from, where the player takes on the role of a commander
Cancels drawing of abilities that trigger when about to attack
* Maximum population cap updated to 9999
Rail movement effects are capped at +5 from the starting traffic level
Player deals half the damage to units with no view
* Improved ambush mechanism, players will be ambushed if they reach a place where there are enemy units within range of misty Area 2
Players take double damage when ambushed
If a unit in a prep turn takes twice as much damage, its prep turn number is halved
After the diplomatic mission, the ministry will deal with the issue of asking for money within the alliance
Fixed a bug where surrender could cause enemy units to be recruited in the city
Fixed a soldier model steering error
Added tooltip for unknown areas when a unit moves
Increased ai combat support for vassal nations
* Greatly enhanced stability, increase the capture of bugs, you can find files in the installation directory under log