0.7.11 Version Patch Note

Magenta Horizon

Magenta Horizon is a fast-paced 2D action platformer game that is heavily inspired by the Spectacle Fighter genre. Playing as a Reaper of the twisted purgatorial afterlife, push your skills to the limit to destroy the hordes of demons and epic bosses to reach your destination.

[list] [*] You can now turn off the grunt sound in the Sound option window. [*] Fixed a bug where you couldn't turn off the key rebind window via clicking the back button. [*] Fixed the issues in 5-4 and 7-3 bosses where the phase 2 attack patterns start before doing the phase 2 transition animation. [*] Jump height of the 7-3 boss is slightly adjusted. [*] Tracking pattern of the 7-S boss is slightly adjusted. [/list]