0.3.2 - Patch Notes - November 29th, 2021

Mightyy's FPS Aim Trainer

Mightyy's FPS Aim Trainer takes Aim Training to the next level. All new features you didn't even know you wanted from aim training, including replay system, advanced statistics and a wealth of customization designed to rival other aim trainers on the market.

[h2]New Stuff[/h2] [h3]Added New Advanced Sensitivity Option [/h3] Clicking the wrench next to sensitivity will now open a new advanced sensitivity window. It will show you the current CM/360 value and can convert to new values in real-time. If you increase or decrease the CM/360 you'll get instant updates to your sensitivity value. Thanks Taloonys for the suggestion and cheers to Aurelien for some help with the Math on this stuff. [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/40973189/71bfa411003faa421517334898f6d4c66e058d51.gif[/img] [h3]New Games Supported[/h3] We've heard you loud and clear, you wanted more games so here's a bunch of new ones you can quickly import into the trainer. [list] [*] Added Quake [*] Added Paladins [*] Added Default [*] Added Rust [*] Added Halo [*] Added Battlefield [*] Added Minecraft [/list] [h3]Added Ability to view leaderboards for a benchmark[/h3] Previously it was difficult to view benchmark item leaderboard scores while viewing and playing a benchmark. There's now a leaderboard button next to the benchmark item that will allow you to quickly glance at the leaderboards for specific benchmark item. [h3]New Engine Font for other Languages[/h3] The engine now supports multiple font types, previously if you had Russian or Chinese or any other special characters the game would not draw them, resulting in empty names across leaderboards and profiles. This has now been fixed, you'll see multilingual text support across the game now. [h2]Bug Fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Fixed an issue that would cause crouching bots to shrink over long amounts of time [*] Fixed an issue that would cause sensitivity randomizer divide rather than multiply [*] Fixed bug that caused featured item to show again if expired [/list]