A non-linear action-adventure heist game with destructible buildings, use stolen loot to buy bigger explosives and access higher value loot. Buy and customize cars. Invest in military equipment such as helicopters and tanks. Get your mansion!
Audio Update
Added sound effects
Changed turbo sfx
Added door sfx
Changed some screaming sfx
Added dying sfx
Added alarm sfx for military base
Added sfx for hacking
Added sfx for taking down the substation
Added more pause menu sfx
Added more main menu sfx
Added toilet flushing sound
Added access denied sounds for not having enough money, spots, or already owning cars helis tanks and homes
Added elevator button click
Added heli gun camera initialization sound
Added sfx for Melee misses
Added sfx for cash transactions
Modified tank turret movement sfx, blended multiple sounds for gun raising v rotating
Changed tank fire sound added blend with trajectory echo effect
Modified tank round impact sfx blended with dirt falling sound on random delay
Modified Upgraded car exhaust sound
Added extra bullets pinging off side of tank sounds
Fixed tank collision issues
Modified tank cannon impact effects
Modified impact effects for 30 mm heli rounds
Fixed new glitch where police cars still had player location with sub station destroyed
Made graphic scalability options available in main menu
Fixed typo in main menu delete save game
Fixed large mansion table had no destructible actor
Fixed hanging light had wrong scale destructible actor and adjusted effects location
Made destructible piano with musical sfx
Fixed loot deposit not showing added cash in popup
Fixed tank cannon recoil
Fixed traffic issues due to collision on newer road pieces
Fixed SAM tank spawn
Fixed enemy AI losing target
Removed military base road spawn which was causing issues