
The story of this visual novel begins with a winter night crime. Detective Yu-chi Fang discovered that the anomaly at the crime scene was related to his own hidden secret. What is abnormal and what is normal? In the end, Yu-chi Fang must face his true feelings and make a choice.

Triopticon is a BL visual novel and it's a original fiction story including setting of Sentinel and Guide.
Amidst the corners of a modern city, a tale intertwines with the unknown.
You will share the perspective of Yu-chi Fang, facing various choices, navigating the labyrinth of emotions, and shaping your own destiny.
Supports Traditional Chinese and English.


This work contains mild inappropriate language, drug abuse, violent crimes, and virtual romance.
The content of this work is purely fictional and is not related to real-life individuals, locations, groups, or events.
All discussions and plotlines in this work are for the purpose of storytelling and do not reflect the views of the creators.