English Support Updated in Triopticon三昧 v1.2.0


The story of this visual novel begins with a winter night crime. Detective Yu-chi Fang discovered that the anomaly at the crime scene was related to his own hidden secret. What is abnormal and what is normal? In the end, Yu-chi Fang must face his true feelings and make a choice.

[h2]The game now includes English language support, accessible through the in-game menu (Setting) for switching between Traditional Chinese and English.[/h2] [img]{STEAM_CLAN_IMAGE}/42563526/839e58cdd2962a0fd75ee7b4df3383416dd189c7.gif[/img] Please feel free to contact me if you have any suggestions. [h3]【Triopticon三昧 1.2.0 更新】[/h3] 1) 完整版遊戲現在支援英文,可使用遊戲內選單切換英文與繁體中文。 2) UI微調。 3) 繁體中文版文本錯漏字修正。