The story of this visual novel begins with a winter night crime. Detective Yu-chi Fang discovered that the anomaly at the crime scene was related to his own hidden secret. What is abnormal and what is normal? In the end, Yu-chi Fang must face his true feelings and make a choice.
[h1]The demo version of Triopticon will remain available for download on Steam until 02/01, and the demo version of Project Aphotic will remain available until 03/01.[/h1]
[h2]After these dates, both demo versions will no longer be accessible. The full versions of the games are unaffected, and all future updates and maintenance will focus on the full versions.
[h2]This decision to discontinue the demo versions is aimed at keeping the [url=]DCD Dark Chill Dusk developer page[/url] more streamlined. Moving forward, only demo versions of games still in development will be retained.[/h2]