Students of Psionic Power

"Students of Psionic Power" (Original title in Japanese : "心の力の生徒達") is RPG based typing game. You can create your own party members (Can input name, can choose portrait for all of 5 members in ally party). 20 portraits (10 school boys and 10 school girls) are included for character creation.

"Students of Psionic Power" (Original title in Japanese : "心の力の生徒達" [Kokoro no chikara no seito tachi]) is RPG based typing game.

This game is single-key based Alphabet typing, and focuses to aquire or master the touch typing method.

  • If you would like to type words or sentences, please check "Students of Light Bonds - Typing RPG with Character Creation -" which is another typing game in this series.

[About English support]
Currently, except Tutorial stage, story texts (such as narrator's texts, conversations, etc. in message window) are not translated, still remain in Japanese.
But, other texts (such as UI texts, explanation texts for game system & mechanizm, etc.) are already supported.
This is the reason why 'Subtitles' in 'Languages' is not checked in English.

- You can deal damage to enemy when you can type random specified alphabet key.
- You will get damage from enemy when you mistook or could not type specified key for long time.
- You cannot defeat enemy if you could not deal enough damage within time limit.

Changing party member's name

You can input each party member's name with your keyboard, or copy and paste (Ctrl + V).

You can use around 7500 characters for member's name. (Including Latin alphabets, Greek alphabets, Russian alphabets, symbols, Japanese Hiragana/Katakana/Kanji characters defined in JIS X 0208 character set)

Changing party member's portrait

You can choose each party member's portrait from 20 portraits (10 school boys and 10 school girls).

In this game, all of your party members are young students.
All of your party members can use PSI (such as psionic power) ability.

Astral monsters have suddenly appeared in a city in Japan.
You need to defeat all astral monsters to save our peace.

Let's create your party members to defeat all enemies from our city!
Ofcourse, it could be included yourself in your party.

Covers from typing newbee to typing specialist

You can use keyboard guide when you are fighting with mob monsters.
So, this game is applicable for training touch typing.

- In early levels in game, the random range of alphabet key is narrower. So, typing newbee can play this game.
- For typing specialist, you can choose difficulty named "HARDEST" and "INFERNO", but you might not be able to clear these difficulties if you have not acquired touch typing.

Equipment, Alchemy with enchanting.

You can acquire equipment items named "Psycho Stones".
You can forge each Psycho Stone in Alchemy menu.

You can also enchant special abilities to your Psycho Stones.
Once forged and enchanted your Psycho Stones, you can defeat "HARDEST"'s and "INFERNO"'s enemies easily even if your typing skill is "EASY" class.

Score attack for well-leveled players

Once you cleared all levels in story, and forged, enchanted Psycho Stones perfectly, let's try the special level for score attack.

You need to continue to type alphabets until time limit even if enemy HP has reached to zero.

If you have "INFERNO" class typing skill with perfectly forged and enchanted Psycho Stones, you will be able to deal several ten million total damage!